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jjklogin is a PHP JWT based project to add user authentication for SPA type web apps.
It provides library classes and UI for:

  • user registration
  • login
  • password reset
  • logout

As well as a Custom Event to access:

  • authentication confirmation
  • user name
  • user level


To use this project there must be a hosted web application on a server that supports PHP, MySQL/MariaDB, and Composer/Packagist.
Internally it uses CDN includes for Bootstrap


  1. Add the following dependencies to composer.json to pull in the package from
        "require": {
            "php": ">=8.0.0",
            "symfony/mailer": "^6.1",
            "firebase/php-jwt": "^6.4.0",
            "jkauflin/jjklogin": "^1.2.3"
  1. Include the following javascript file in your web page
    <script src="vendor/jkauflin/jjklogin/jjklogin.js?ver=1.020"></script>
  1. Use the vendor/jkauflin/jjklogin/createUsersTable.sql to create a users and a jjkloginSettings table in a MySQL database

  2. Copy the vendor/jkauflin/jjklogin/jjkloginSettings.php settings file into an external_includes folder that is on the same level as the public_html of the web app (i.e. parent folder of the web outside of public access), and adjust the settings for the web app, email, keys, and database access


HTML page usage

After including the jjklogin.js in a web page, include a link with an id of login to re-direct to the project page for authentication functions:

<a class="nav-link" id="login" href="#" role="button">login</a>

It could be included in a Bootstrap navigation list:

<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="login" href="#" role="button">login</a></li>

Javascript (Login Authentication Event)

An Event for the user login authentication is available. Simply include the following element in the HTML:

<div id="jjkloginEventElement" class="float-end"></div>

Then you can add the following javascript to respond to the authentication event:

var userName = ""
var userLevel = 0
var jjkloginEventElement = document.getElementById("jjkloginEventElement")
jjkloginEventElement.innerHTML = 'User not logged in'

jjkloginEventElement.addEventListener('userJJKLoginAuth', function (event) {
    userName = event.detail.userName
    userLevel = event.detail.userLevel
    jjkloginEventElement.innerHTML = 'Logged in as ' + userName

PHP usage

The javascript variable is helpful for adjusting the display but additional security checks should be done in any PHP files doing service work. The PHP should get the UserRec directly and check authentication and user level before allowing functions. Here is an example of code that can be used in the PHP to throw an exception if the user is not authorized:

$userRec = LoginAuth::getUserRec($cookieName,$cookiePath,$serverKey);
if ($userRec->userName == null || $userRec->userName == '') {
    throw new Exception('User is NOT logged in', 500);
if ($userRec->userLevel < 1) {
    throw new Exception('User is NOT authorized (contact Administrator)', 500);


This project uses firebase/php-jwt to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP, conforming to RFC 7519. Look in the src/LoginAuth.php class to see how this project securely uses cookies to store the JWT tokens, including:

  • 'samesite' => 'strict' to prevent cross-site scripting
  • 'secure' => TRUE to insure use of HTTPS
  • 'httponly' => TRUE to insure non-javascript, HTTP only handling of cookies

Registration and Password Set is done via confirmed Email links with registration tokens, and Passwords are encrypted with the newest PHP password_hash function

User authorization and level should be checked before allowing any service functions (see PHP usage above). DO NOT count on the javascript userRec variable, use the direct PHP lookup to get the UserRec from the cookie to double-check authorization before allowing any function

If you feel these measures still have vulnerabilities, please do not use this project