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Jai Bhagat edited this page Sep 8, 2017 · 3 revisions

Q: What should be the format of my data when I load a file via the 'Load Data' drop down menu?

A: Currently, your data file type must be .mat. If you are loading a raw or filtered continuous signal, the file should contain a single MATLAB variable. The variable should be a 2-D, [4xn] array, where n = the number of samples in the recorded data. (E.g. If you have a 10-minute recording sampled at 30000 Hz, n = 18000000).

If you are loading pre-detected spike waveforms and their corresponding timestamps, the file should contain two MATLAB variables. One of these should be a 3-D, [4xjxk] array, where j = number of samples in a spike waveform, and k = number of spikes in the dataset. The other variable should be a [1xk] vector of spike times. The names of these variables does not affect the loading. In the next updated release, J_Clust2 will also be able to directly read in data from Neuralynx and OpenEphys tetrode files.

If this is still unclear, you can load and view the sample data in MATLAB.

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