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AI Conversation CLI Technical Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Project Overview
  2. Screenshots
  3. Entering Prompts for Group Conversations
  4. Sample Conversation
  5. Project Structure
  6. File Dependencies
  7. Module Dependencies
  8. Configuration and Security Files
  9. Detailed File Descriptions
  10. Creating and Configuring Dependent Files
  11. Setup and Running the Application
  12. Error Handling and Logging
  13. Extending the Application
  14. Testing
  15. Performance Considerations
  16. Security Considerations
  17. Additional Notes

1. Project Overview

The AI Conversation CLI is an interactive command-line application that facilitates conversations with multiple AI personalities using advanced language models. It manages complex conversation flows and provides a rich text user interface for interacting with AI agents.

2. Screenshots

AI Conversation CLI Interface

AI Conversation CLI Interface

AI Conversation CLI Interface

AI Conversation CLI Interface

3. Entering Prompts for Group Conversations

To initiate a group conversation with the AI personalities, follow these guidelines:

  1. Start the application and choose the desired participants.
  2. Enter your prompt, addressing it to the group or a specific participant.
  3. The AI personalities will engage in a discussion based on your prompt.


  • General prompt: "What are your thoughts on renewable energy?"
  • Specific participant prompt: "Vanessa, what's your perspective on social media's impact on society?"
  • Follow-up prompt: "Lukas, can you provide some data to support or challenge the previous points?"

Remember, you can always interject or steer the conversation by addressing specific participants or asking for clarification on certain points.

4. Sample Conversation

For a detailed example of how the AI personalities interact in a conversation, please refer to the sample conversation.

5. Project Structure

The project consists of the following Python files:

  1. Main entry point of the application
  2. Manages conversation history and AI interactions
  3. Handles the command-line interface and user interactions
  4. Defines AI personalities and their characteristics
  5. Configuration for AI models and related settings

6. File Dependencies

  • Imports:
    • asyncio: For asynchronous programming
    • logging: For application-wide logging
    • os: For system operations (clearing screen)
    • typing: For type hinting
    • ConversationManager from
    • AIConversationCLI from

  • Imports:
    • asyncio: For asynchronous programming
    • json: For reading/writing conversation history
    • logging: For logging operations
    • random: For randomizing participant order
    • re: For regular expressions in response extraction
    • typing: For type hinting
    • AI_CONFIG, log_ai_error from
    • Various classes from rich for formatted console output

  • Imports:
    • cmd2: For building the interactive CLI
    • asyncio: For asynchronous programming
    • logging: For logging operations
    • tracemalloc: For memory debugging
    • ConversationManager from
    • Various classes from rich for formatted console output
    • ainput from aioconsole (with fallback to

7. Module Dependencies

  • Python Standard Library:

    • asyncio
    • json
    • logging
    • os
    • random
    • re
    • typing
    • tracemalloc
  • Third-party Libraries:

    • cmd2: For creating interactive command-line applications
    • rich: For rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal
    • aioconsole: For asynchronous console input (optional)
    • AI model specific libraries:
      • openai: For OpenAI GPT models
      • anthropic: For Anthropic's Claude model

8. Configuration and Security Files

The project uses several configuration files to manage API keys, tokens, and credentials. These files are crucial for securely connecting to various AI services and should be handled with care.

This file is used to store API keys and other sensitive configuration data.


  • Store API keys for various AI services (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic)
  • Keep sensitive configuration data separate from the main code


Create this file in the project root directory with the following structure:


OPENAI_API_KEY = "your_openai_api_key_here"
ANTHROPIC_API_KEY = "your_anthropic_api_key_here"

# Add any other API keys or sensitive configuration data here


In your main code (e.g.,, import and use these keys:


# Use the keys when initializing AI clients
openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY
anthropic.api_key = ANTHROPIC_API_KEY


This file is typically used for storing authentication tokens, often for OAuth 2.0 flows or similar authentication mechanisms.


  • Store refresh tokens or access tokens for APIs that use token-based authentication
  • Allow the application to maintain authentication between sessions


Create this file in the project root directory with the following structure (example for OAuth 2.0):

  "access_token": "your_access_token_here",
  "refresh_token": "your_refresh_token_here",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_at": 1234567890


In your code, you would typically read this file, check if the token is still valid, and refresh it if necessary:

import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def get_valid_token():
    with open('token.json', 'r') as token_file:
        token_data = json.load(token_file)
    if datetime.fromtimestamp(token_data['expires_at']) <
        # Implement token refresh logic here
    return token_data['access_token']


This file is often used to store client credentials for OAuth 2.0 or similar authentication flows.


  • Store client ID, client secret, and other credentials required for authenticating with certain APIs
  • Keep these credentials separate from the main code for security reasons


Create this file in the project root directory with the following structure:

  "client_id": "your_client_id_here",
  "client_secret": "your_client_secret_here",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "redirect_uris": ["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", "http://localhost"]


In your code, you would typically read this file when setting up OAuth flows:

import json

def get_credentials():
    with open('credentials.json', 'r') as cred_file:
        return json.load(cred_file)

# Use these credentials when setting up OAuth client
credentials = get_credentials()
oauth_client = SomeOAuthClient(

9. Detailed File Descriptions

Main script that initializes and runs the application.

Key Functions:

  • setup_logging(): Configures logging for the entire application
  • run_application(): Initializes AIConversationCLI and ConversationManager, runs the main application loop
  • main(): Entry point of the application

Contains the ConversationManager class, which handles conversation logic and history.

Key Methods:

  • load_conversation_history(): Loads conversation history from a JSON file
  • save_conversation_history(): Saves conversation history to a JSON file
  • update_conversation(): Adds a new message to the conversation history
  • format_and_print_message(): Formats and displays messages in the console
  • get_conversation_context(): Retrieves the current conversation context
  • generate_ai_response(): Generates an AI response for a given prompt
  • extract_ai_response(): Extracts the AI's response from the full response string
  • generate_single_response(): Generates and processes a single AI response
  • display_thinking_message(): Shows a "thinking" message while generating a response
  • detect_addressed_participant(): Detects which participant a message is addressed to
  • randomize_participants(): Randomizes the order of AI participants
  • generate_ai_conversation(): Orchestrates a full AI conversation based on a prompt
  • generate_moderator_summary(): Generates a summary of the conversation by a moderator AI

Contains the AIConversationCLI class, which manages the command-line interface and user interactions.

Key Methods:

  • run(): Main method to run the application
  • cleanup(): Performs cleanup operations before exiting
  • get_user_input(): Gets user input asynchronously
  • cmdloop_async(): Asynchronous version of cmd2's command loop
  • onecmd_async(): Processes a single command asynchronously
  • ai_conversation_loop(): Main loop for processing user input and generating AI responses
  • process_input(): Handles user input and generates AI responses
  • handle_command(): Processes system commands (starting with '!')
  • show_conversation_history(): Displays the conversation history
  • Various do_* methods: Handle specific CLI commands (e.g., do__quit, do__help, do__switch_thread, do__list_threads, do__clear)

Defines AI personalities and their characteristics.

Key Components:

  • AI_PERSONALITIES: Dictionary defining main AI personalities
  • HELPER_PERSONALITIES: Dictionary defining helper AI personalities (e.g., moderator, response detector)
  • MASTER_SYSTEM_MESSAGE: Dictionary containing the master system message for AI interactions

Configuration for AI models and related settings.

Key Components:

  • AI_CONFIG: Dictionary containing configurations for different AI models
  • log_ai_error(): Function to log AI-specific errors
  • AI model-specific configuration and functions

10. Creating and Configuring Dependent Files

Create this file in the project root directory with the following structure:

    "PersonalityName": {
        "ai_name": "ModelName",
        "color": "ColorName",
        "system_message": "Personality description and instructions"
    # Add more personalities as needed

    "Moderator": {
        "ai_name": "ModelName",
        "color": "yellow",
        "system_message": "Moderator instructions"
    "ResponseDetector": {
        "ai_name": "ModelName",
        "system_message": "Instructions for detecting addressed participants"

    "system_message": "Master instructions for all AI interactions"

Create this file in the project root directory with the following structure:

import logging
# Import necessary AI model libraries (e.g., openai, anthropic)

    "ModelName": {
        "model": "model_identifier",
        "generate_func": async_generation_function
    # Add configurations for other models

def log_ai_error(ai_name: str, error_message: str):
    logging.error(f"AI Error ({ai_name}): {error_message}")

# Define async generation functions for each AI model
async def openai_generate(model: str, prompt: str):
    # Implementation for OpenAI model generation

async def anthropic_generate(model: str, prompt: str):
    # Implementation for Anthropic model generation

# Add the generation functions to the AI_CONFIG
AI_CONFIG["gpt4"]["generate_func"] = openai_generate
AI_CONFIG["claude"]["generate_func"] = anthropic_generate

11. Setup and Running the Application

  1. Ensure all required Python libraries are installed:

    pip install cmd2 rich openai anthropic aioconsole
  2. Create and configure and as described in the "Creating and Configuring Dependent Files" section.

  3. Set up any necessary environment variables or API keys for the AI models.

  4. Run the application using:


12. Error Handling and Logging

  • Comprehensive error handling is implemented throughout the application.
  • Detailed logging is set up in and used across all files.
  • Logs are written to 'log/convo.log' for debugging and troubleshooting.

13. Extending the Application

To add new features or AI personalities:

  1. Update the AI_PERSONALITIES dictionary in
  2. Add new AI model configurations in if necessary.
  3. Implement new command handlers in the AIConversationCLI class in
  4. Extend the ConversationManager class in for new conversation management features.

14. Testing

  • Implement unit tests for individual components (e.g., ConversationManager methods, AIConversationCLI commands).
  • Create integration tests to ensure proper interaction between different modules.
  • Perform end-to-end testing of the entire conversation flow.

15. Performance Considerations

  • The application uses asynchronous programming to handle concurrent operations efficiently.
  • Consider implementing caching mechanisms for frequently accessed data or AI responses.
  • Monitor and optimize AI model API usage to manage costs and improve response times.

16. Security Considerations

  • Ensure proper handling and storage of API keys and sensitive configuration data.
  • Implement input validation and sanitization to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Consider implementing user authentication if extending the application for multi-user scenarios.

17. Additional Notes

  • The application uses the rich library for enhanced console output, including colored text, panels, and progress spinners.
  • The aioconsole library is used for asynchronous console input, with a fallback to synchronous input if not available.
  • Memory tracking is implemented using tracemalloc for debugging purposes.
  • The application supports multiple conversation threads and allows switching between them.
  • A moderator AI can generate summaries of the conversation.


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