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jkk committed Sep 18, 2010
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# Loom

This library isn't ready for consumption yet. The API is still in flux. Even the name may change.

That said, feedback welcome.

## Usage

### Leiningen/Clojars [group-id/name version]

[none yet -- see above]

### Namespaces

loom.graph - records & constructors
loom.alg - algorithms (see also loom.alg-generic)
loom.gen - graph generators
loom.attr - graph attributes
loom.label - graph labels - read, write, and view graphs in external formats

### Basics

Create a graph:

;; Initialize with any of: edges, adacency lists, nodes, other graphs
(def g (graph [1 2] [2 3] {3 [4] 5 [6 7]} 7 8 9))
(def dg (digraph g))
(def wg (weighted-graph {:a {:b 10 :c 20} :c {:d 30} :e {:b 5 :d 5}}))
(def wdg (weighted-digraph [:a :b 10] [:a :c 20] [:c :d 30] [:d :b 10]))
(def rwg (gen-rand (weighted-graph) 10 20 :max-weight 100))
(def fg (fly-graph :neighbors range :weight (constantly 77)))

If you have [GraphViz]( installed, and its binaries are in the path, you can view graphs with <code></code>:

(view wdg) ;opens image in default image viewer


(nodes g)
=> #{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}

(edges wdg)
=> ([:a :c] [:a :b] [:c :d] [:d :b])

(neighbors g 3)
=> #{2 4}

(incoming wdg :b)
=> #{:a :d}

(degree g 3)
=> 2

(in-degree wdg :b)
=> 2

(weight wg :a :c)
=> 20

(map (juxt graph? directed? weighted?) [g wdg])
=> ([true false false] [true true true])

Add/remove items (graphs are immutable, of course, so these return new graphs):

(add-nodes g "foobar" {:name "baz"} [1 2 3])

(add-edges g [10 11] ["foobar" {:name "baz"}])

(add-edges wg [:e :f 40] [:f :g 50]) ;weighted edges

(remove-nodes g 1 2 3)

(remove-edges g [1 2] [2 3])

(subgraph g [5 6 7])

Traverse a graph:

(bf-traverse g) ;lazy
=> (9 8 5 6 7 1 2 3 4)

(bf-traverse g 1)
=> (1 2 3 4)

(pre-traverse wdg) ;lazy
=> (:a :b :c :d)

(post-traverse wdg) ;not lazy
=> (:b :d :c :a)

(topsort wdg)
=> (:a :c :d :b)


(bf-path g 1 4)
=> (1 2 3 4)

(bf-path-bi g 1 4) ;bidirectional, parallel
=> (1 2 3 4)

(dijkstra-path wg :a :d)
=> (:a :b :e :d)

(dijkstra-path-dist wg :a :d)
=> [(:a :b :e :d) 20]

Other stuff:

(connected-components g)
=> [[1 2 3 4] [5 6 7] [8] [9]]

(bf-span wg :a)
=> {:c [:d], :b [:e], :a [:b :c]}

(pre-span wg :a)
=> {:a [:b], :b [:e], :e [:d], :d [:c]}

(dijkstra-span wg :a)
=> {:a {:b 10, :c 20}, :b {:e 15}, :e {:d 20}}

TODO: link to autodocs

## Dependencies

There is (optional) support for visualization via [GrapViz](


* Solidify basic API, guarantees
* Implement more algorithms
* Test & profile more with big, varied graphs
* Multigraphs, hypergraphs, adjacency matrix-based graphs?

## License

Copyright (C) 2010 Justin Kramer

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(defproject loom "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Graph library for Clojure"
:author "Justin Kramer"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0-master-SNAPSHOT"]
[org.apache.xmlrpc/xmlrpc-client "3.1.3"]
[robert/hooke "1.0.2"]
;[org.clojure.contrib/priority-map "1.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]
;[vijual "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
:dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
:jvm-opts ["-Xmx1g"])
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions src/loom/alg.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Graph algorithms. Any graph record/type that satisfies the
Graph, Digraph, or WeightedGraph protocols (as appropriate per algorithm)
can use these functions."
:author "Justin Kramer"}
(:require [loom.alg-generic :as gen])
(:use [loom.graph
:only [add-edges nodes edges neighbors weight incoming degree
in-degree weighted? directed? graph]
:rename {neighbors nb weight wt}]
[loom.alg-generic :only [trace-path]]))

;;; Convenience wrappers for loom.alg-generic functions

(defn- traverse-all
[nodes traverse]
(fn [[seen trav] n]
(if (seen n)
[seen trav]
(let [ctrav (traverse n :seen (conj seen n))]
[(into seen ctrav) (concat ctrav trav)])))
[#{} []]

;;TODO: options: :incoming, :when
(defn pre-traverse
"Traverses graph g depth-first from start. Returns a lazy seq of nodes.
When no starting node is provided, traverses the entire graph, connected
or not."
(traverse-all (nodes g) (partial gen/pre-traverse (nb g))))
([g start]
(gen/pre-traverse (nb g) start)))

(defn pre-span
"Return a depth-first spanning tree of the form {node [successors]}"
(fn [[seen span] n]
(if (seen n)
[seen span]
(let [[cspan cseen] (gen/pre-span (nb g) n :seen seen)]
[(clojure.set/union seen cseen) (merge span {n []} cspan)])))
[#{} {}]
(nodes g))))
([g start]
(gen/pre-span (nb g) start)))

(defn post-traverse
"Traverses graph g depth-first, post-order from start. Returns a
vector of the nodes."
(traverse-all (nodes g) (partial gen/post-traverse (nb g))))
([g start]
(gen/post-traverse (nb g) start)))

(defn topsort
"Topological sort of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Returns nil if
g contains any cycles."
(loop [seen #{}
result ()
[n & ns] (seq (nodes g))]
(if-not n
(if (seen n)
(recur seen result ns)
(when-let [cresult (gen/topsort-component (nb g) n seen seen)]
(recur (into seen cresult) (concat cresult result) ns))))))
([g start]
(gen/topsort-component (nb g) start)))

(defn bf-traverse
"Traverses graph g breadth-first from start. When f is provided, returns
a lazy seq of (f node predecessor-map) for each node traversed. Otherwise,
returns a lazy seq of the nodes."
(traverse-all (nodes g) (partial gen/bf-traverse (nb g))))
([g start]
(gen/bf-traverse (nb g) start))
([g start & {:as opts}]
(apply gen/bf-traverse (nb g) start (apply concat opts))))

(defn bf-span
"Return a breadth-first spanning tree of the form {node [successors]}"
(fn [[seen span] n]
(if (seen n)
[seen span]
(let [cspan (gen/bf-span (nb g) n :seen seen)]
;; FIXME: very inefficient
[(into seen (concat (keys cspan) (apply concat (vals cspan))))
(merge span {n []} cspan)])))
[#{} {}]
(nodes g))))
([g start]
(gen/bf-span (nb g) start)))

(defn bf-path
"Return a path from start to end with the fewest hops (i.e. irrespective
of edge weights)"
[g start end]
(gen/bf-path (nb g) start end))

(defn bf-path-bi
"Using a bidirectional breadth-first search, finds a path from start to
end with the fewest hops (i.e. irrespective of edge weights). Can be much
faster than a unidirectional search on certain types of graphs"
[g start end]
(gen/bf-path-bi (nb g) start end))

(defn dijkstra-traverse
"Returns a lazy-seq of [current-node state] where state is a map in the
format {node [distance predecessor]}. When f is provided, returns
a lazy-seq of (f node state) for each node"
(gen/dijkstra-traverse (nb g) (wt g) (first (nodes g))))
([g start]
(gen/dijkstra-traverse (nb g) (wt g) start vector))
([g start f]
(gen/dijkstra-traverse (nb g) (wt g) start f)))

(defn dijkstra-span
"Finds all shortest distances from start. Returns a map in the format
{node {successor distance}}"
(gen/dijkstra-span (nb g) (wt g) (first (nodes g))))
([g start]
(gen/dijkstra-span (nb g) (wt g) start)))

(defn dijkstra-path-dist
"Finds the shortest path from start to end. Returns a vector:
[path distance]"
[g start end]
(gen/dijkstra-path-dist (nb g) (wt g) start end))

(defn dijkstra-path
"Finds the shortest path from start to end"
[g start end]
(first (dijkstra-path-dist g start end)))

;;; Graph algorithms

(defn shortest-path
"Finds the shortest path from start to end in graph g, using Dijkstra's
algorithm if the graph is weighted, breadth-first search otherwise."
[g start end]
(if (weighted? g)
(dijkstra-path g start end)
(bf-path g start end)))

(defn longest-shortest-path
"Finds the longest shortest path beginning at start, using Dijkstra's
algorithm if the graph is weighted, bread-first search otherwise."
[g start]
(if (weighted? g)
(fn [path1 [n state]]
(let [path2 (trace-path (comp second state) n)]
(if (< (count path1) (count path2)) path2 path1)))
(dijkstra-traverse g start vector))
(fn [path1 [n predmap]]
(let [path2 (trace-path predmap n)]
(if (< (count path1) (count path2)) path2 path1)))
(bf-traverse g start vector)))))

(defn connected-components
"Return the connected components of undirected graph g as a vector of vectors"
(fn [[cc seen] n]
(if (seen n)
[cc seen]
(let [c (vec (gen/bf-traverse (nb g) n :seen seen))]
[(conj cc c) (into seen c)])))
[[] #{}]
(nodes g))))

;; TODO: weak & strong cc

(defn connect
"Return graph g with all connected components connected to each other"
(reduce add-edges g (partition 2 1 (map first (connected-components g)))))

(defn density
"Return the density of graph g"
[g & {:keys [loops] :or {loops false}}]
(let [order (count (nodes g))]
(/ (count (edges g))
(* order (if loops
(dec order))))))

(defn loners
"Return nodes with no connections to other nodes (i.e., isolated nodes)"
(let [degree-total (if (directed? g)
#(+ (in-degree g %) (degree g %))
#(degree g %))]
(filter (comp zero? degree-total) (nodes g))))

(defn distinct-edges
"Distinct edges of g. Only useful for undirected graphs"
(if (directed? g)
(edges g)
(fn [[seen es] e]
(let [eset (set (take 2 e))]
(if (seen eset)
[seen es]
[(conj seen eset)
(conj es e)])))
[#{} []]
(edges g)))))

;; TODO: MST, coloring, bipartite, matching, etc etc

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