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Releases: jkoncick/D2kEditor

Version 1.2

16 Nov 23:33
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Version 1.2 (released 2015-11-16)

Fixed: "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error
Fixed: Tile with index 0 (left-top-most sand tile) is no longer used for painting a sand
Added: You can "cut" (erase) the selected area if you hold shift while selecting the area.
Added: "Mark buildable tiles" option
Changed: Structure list was divided into separate building and unit lists
Added: You can now place any building or unit for any side. In order to use this feature
in game, you must copy the file config/TILEDATA.BIN into your Dune2000/Data/bin folder.
Added: Structures and Misc. objects are now externally configured (structures.ini, misc_objects.ini).
Added: You can now place continuous wall by moving the mouse while holding left button
Changed: Units are now grouped by unit type in the event table in "Contents" column
Added: Event notes are shown in the event table. Event table Columns are now resizable.
Added: Map statistics
Added: Support for "Custom blocks" - blocks which are not stored continuously in the tileset.
Adjusted tileset configurations accordingly.
Added: Confirmation dialog when closing the editor. It can be turned off in D2kEditor.ini.

Improved the rendering engine and the editing interface:

  • Optimized map rendering: it should be faster and consume less CPU
  • Concrete is properly drawn under buildings, added "Draw concrete" option
  • Added Building marker and brush marker

Version 1.1

16 Oct 21:04
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Version 1.1 (released 2015-10-16)

Fixed: Auto-smooth rock/dunes edge feature did not work properly on non-square maps
Fixed: Tried to fix the status bar cut-off (status bar is now okay hopefully)
Fixed: When a map is shifted, event positions were not shifted
Fixed: When saving Briefing, newlines were erroneously inserted where a line was only visually broken
Fixed: Error message when opening a map from commandline
Added: Support for new event types added in FunkyFr3sh's Dune 2000 patch (Leave, Play Sound...)
Added: Key shortcuts for selecting event/condition type
Added: "Diff mode" in AI settings - only values which are different from default values are shown
Added: Several minor and cosmetic improvements

Remade terrain editing GUI and added possibility to configure block presets and other things for each tileset.

  • You can paint spice in Terrain mode instead of Structures mode.
  • Added new "Block preset selection" window where you can see all presets for selected group in the same order
    as how you select them with the keyboard. It can be displayed by clicking on current block, double-clicking on
    block-preset group or pressing space two times. Use right-click to change to next block variant, middle-click to
    display keyboard keys and Tab to change variant for all presets.
    If you set "HidePresetWindow" setting in D2kEditor.ini to 0, the window will stay open after selecting a preset.
  • Added presets also all for tileset-specific blocks
  • Each tileset has its own .ini file. There you can configure minimap colors, names of paint and block-preset groups,
    block presets and other things. This way you can easily add custom tilesets and tailor the editor for using them.