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Solutions to Project Euler problems in C++

About Project Euler
From Wikipedia:
Project Euler is a website dedicated to a series of computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs. The project attracts adults and students interested in mathematics and computer programming.

Project Euler asks users to not share their solutions beyond problem 100, and for those that do to try to make the content educational. To that end I am providing approach explanations and linking resources useful links in this README.

About These Solutions

  • These are my original solutions written in C++.
  • The intent was to solve these problems as quickly as possible: I frequently time myself.
  • Comments are sparse and the intended approach is to be written quickly.
  • Solution values, timing on my laptop, and a terse solution approach are given below.
  • I'm also adding a series of useful links to topics useful to each problem at the end.
  • On occasion I will consider different approaches to the problem: the one I end of using remains in the main.cpp, while the discarded/incomplete solution will be in another file.

Compilation Instructions

For most problems they can be compiled and run with the following commands:

g++ -std=c++0x main.cpp

For problems requiring big integers or multi-precison arithmetic, the GNU Multiple Precision library is used:

g++ -std=c++0x main.cpp -lgmpxx -lgmp


Problem 1

Name: Multiples of 3 and 5
Solution: 233168
Timing: 0.071106ms
Approach: Brute force. (closed-form is possible)

Problem 2

Name: Even Fibonacci numbers
Solution: 4613732
Timing: 0.056059ms
Approach: Iterative brute-force. (closed-form is possible)

Problem 3

Name: Largest prime factor
Solution: 6857
Timing: 0.152476ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Problem 4

Name: Largest palindrome product
Solution: 906609
Timing: 0.395974ms
Approach: Search with largest-first ordering.

Problem 5

Name: Smallest multiple
Solution: 232792560
Timing: 0.075001ms
Approach: Closed-form solution via GCD prime factors.

Problem 6

Name: Sum square difference
Solution: 25164150
Timing: 0.058018ms
Approach: Closed-form solution via triangular number and square pyramidal numbers.

Problem 7

Name: 10001st prime
Solution: 104743
Timing: 40.0103ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Problem 8

Name: Largest product in a series
Solution: 23514624000
Timing: 1.05348ms
Approach: Brute force search.

Problem 9

Name: Special Pythagorean triplet
Solution: 31875000
Timing: 0.283833ms
Approach: Brute force search.

Problem 10

Name: Summation of primes
Solution: 142913828922
Timing: 1288.29ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Problem 11

Name: Largest product in a grid
Timing: 1.92247ms
Approach: Brute force search

Problem 12

Name: Highly divisible triangular number
Solution: 76576500
Timing: 72.1384ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes, then cache maps of prime factors to powers, multiply through to get total divisors. Also maps to triangular numbers.

Problem 13

Name: Large sum
Solution: 5537376230
Timing: 1.11715ms
Approach: Long addition

Problem 14

Name: Longest Collatz sequence
Solution: 837799
Timing: 5454.24ms
Approach: Cache smaller chain length in a map

Problem 15

Name: Lattice paths
Solution: 137846528820
Timing: 0.070639ms
Approach: Closed-form solution via star-and-bars forumla. Just needed a few tricks to compute without int overflow.

Problem 16

Name: Power digit sum
Solution: 1366
Timing: 4.65102ms
Approach: Long addition

Problem 17

Name: Number letter counts
Solution: 21124
Timing: 0.137673ms
Approach: Base 10 digits and lookup tables.

Problem 18

Name: Maximum path sum I
Solution: 1074
Timing: 0.452704ms
Approach: Dijkstra's algorithm

Problem 19

Name: Counting Sundays
Solution: 171
Timing: 0.69525ms
Approach: Direct counting with look-up table. Closed-form may be possible with calendar calculations.

Problem 20

Name: Factorial digit sum
Solution: 648
Timing: 0.32855ms
Approach: Long addition.

Problem 21

Name: Amicable numbers
Solution: 31626
Timing: 2.83573ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes for primes, cache divisor sums, then use geometric series property to quickly compute new abundancy indicies.

Problem 22

Name: Names scores
Solution: 871198282
Timing: 13.1327ms
Approach: Reading strings, ascii math, direct.

Problem 23

Name: Non-abundant sums
Solution: 4179871
Timing: 1380.09ms
Approach: See Problem 21

Problem 24

Name: Lexicographic permutations
Solution: 2783915460
Timing: 0.077083ms
Approach: Close to closed-form with factorial number system.

Problem 25

Name: 1000-digit Fibonacci number
Solution: 4782
Timing: 0.090347ms
Approach: Close-form solution via Binet's formula

Problem 26

Name: Reciprocal cycles
Solution: 983
Timing: 75.9181ms
Approach: Long division to find remainder cycle.

Problem 27

Name: Quadratic primes
Solution: -59231
Timing: 92.1775ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Problem 28

Name: Number spiral diagonals
Solution: 669171001
Timing: 0.056059ms
Approach: Closed-form solution via triangular number and square pyramidal numbers.

Problem 29

Name: Distinct powers
Solution: 9183
Timing: 7.61125ms
Approach: Use of a set and a dictionary to keep track.

Problem 30

Name: Digit fifth powers
Solution: 443839
Timing: 56.6929ms
Approach: Estimate bounds, then generate multi-choose.

Problem 31

Name: Coin sums
Solution: 73682
Timing: 0.104569ms
Approach: Classic dynamic programming with sub-problem look-up table.

Problem 32

Name: Pandigital products
Solution: 45228
Timing: 2282.32ms
Approach: Generate all permutations and search operator placement.

Problem 33

Name: Digit cancelling fractions
Solution: 100
Timing: 0.220548ms
Approach: Brute-force, then Euclid's for lowest terms solution.

Problem 34

Name: Digit factorials
Solution: 40730
Timing: 3690.61ms
Approach: Compute upper bound, then brute-force (could be optimized by lowering upper-bound).

Problem 35

Name: Circular primes
Solution: 55
Timing: 637.492ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Problem 36

Name: Double-base palindromes
Solution: 872187
Timing: 3591.2ms
Approach: Radix conversion.

Problem 37

Name: Truncatable primes
Solution: 748317
Timing: 20.0482ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes, tree search.

Problem 38

Name: Pandigital multiples
Solution: 932718654
Timing: 2432.7ms
Approach: Generate permutations, and check grouping validity

Problem 39

Name: Integer right triangles
Solution: 840
Timing: 1.99543ms
Approach: Search all valid right-angle triangles, keep count of perimeters with a map.

Problem 40

Name: Champernowne's constant
Solution: 210
Timing: 0.055696ms
Approach: Direct computation (closed-form possible).

Problem 41

Name: Pandigital prime
Solution: 7652413
Timing: 2194.3ms
Approach: Permutation generation and prime testing.

Problem 42

Name: Coded triangle numbers
Solution: 162
Timing: 2.81879ms
Approach: Quadratic equation to check if triangular.

Problem 43

Name: Sub-string divisibility
Solution: 16695334890
Timing: 261.677ms
Approach: Generate permutations, check progressively.

Problem 44

Name: Pentagon numbers
Solution: 5482660
Timing: 77.0005ms
Approach: Brute force (using correct search order)

Problem 45

Name: Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal
Solution: 1533776805
Timing: 1.76118ms
Approach: Brute force (using correct search order)

Problem 46

Name: Goldbach's other conjecture
Solution: 5777
Timing: 3.32399ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Problem 47

Name: Distinct primes factors
Solution: 134043
Timing: 129.825ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Problem 48

Name: Self powers
Solution: 9110846700
Timing: 79.5088ms
Approach: Big integer addition and arithmetic, and some modulo properties.

Problem 49

Name: Prime permutations
Solution: 296962999629
Timing: 5.20908ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Problem 50

Name: Consecutive prime sum
Solution: 997651
Timing: 1.11369ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Problem 51

Name: Prime digit replacements
Solution: 121313
Timing: 2180.88ms
Approach: Sieve of Eratosthenes for primes, generate number masks by iterating bitmasks via binary. Map families.

Problem 52

Name: Permuted multiples
Solution: 142857
Timing: 579.317ms
Approach: Brute force. (Though there seems to be a relation to the digital expansion of 1/7)

Problem 53

Name: Combinatoric selections
Solution: 4075
Timing: 0.140582ms
Approach: Pascale's rule.

Problem 54

Name: Poker hands
Solution: 376
Timing: 7.5457ms
Approach: Straighforward file and data processing.

Problem 55

Name: Lychrel numbers
Solution: 249
Timing: 164.759ms
Approach: Long addition, brute force.

Problem 56

Name: Powerful digit sum
Solution: 972
Timing: 761.328ms
Approach: Long multiplications and exponentiation by squaring.

Problem 57

Name: Square root convergents
Solution: 153
Timing: 69.4136ms
Approach: Big integer addition.

Problem 58

Name: Spiral primes
Solution: 26241
Timing: 390.926ms
Approach: A little algebra, plus sieve of Eratosthenes to check primality.

Problem 59

Name: XOR decryption
Solution: 129448
Timing: 589.954ms
Approach: Brute force the key. Check decrypted text for containing the top 10 most common English words (as per description).

Problem 60

Name: Prime pair sets
Solution: 26033
Timing: 4465.47ms
Approach: Join prime-pairs as an edge in a graph. The problem then maps to the clique problem.

Problem 61

Name: Cyclical figurate numbers
Solution: 28684
Timing: 1.51747ms
Approach: Compute all figurates needed in range. Compute cycles of the number and join in a graph if there is a join. Find a path that touches all.

Problem 62

Name: Cubic permutations
Solution: 127035954683
Timing: 89.1774ms
Approach: Generate cubes, keep track of perms by using digit counts.

Problem 63

Name: Powerful digit counts
Solution: 49
Timing: 0.076835ms
Approach: Use logarithm laws and inequalities to find bounds and search through easily.

Problem 64

Name: Odd period square roots
Solution: 1322
Timing: 511.809ms
Approach: A little algebra allows direct approach.

Problem 65

Name: Convergents of e
Solution: 272 Timing: 1.0735ms
Approach: Big integer algebra.

Problem 66

Name: Diophantine equation
Solution: 661
Timing: 273.055ms
Approach: This is actually Pell's equation, whose solutions can be found via continued fraction approximations.

Problem 67

Name: Maximum path sum II
Solution: 7273
Timing: 1.25228ms
Approach: Dijkstra's algorithm.

Problem 68

Name: Magic 5-gon ring
Solution: 6531031914842725
Timing: 540.762ms
Approach: Generate permutations, checking validity on the way.

Problem 69

Name: Totient maximum
Solution: 510510
Timing: 625.53ms
Approach: Euler's Totient formula, using memoization to speed up computation. Sieve of Eratosthenes for primes.

Problem 70

Name: Totient permutation
Solution: 8319823
Timing: 23181.5ms
Approach: Euler's Totient formula, using memoization to speed up computation. Sieve of Eratosthenes for primes. Check permutations by digits counts.

Problem 71

Name: Ordered fractions
Solution: 428570
Timing: 23.7682ms
Approach: Search over denominators, a little algebra allows us to check if is closer.

Problem 72

Name: Counting fractions
Solution: 303963552391
Timing: 639.53ms
Approach: Sum values of the totient function.

Problem 73

Name: Counting fractions in a range
Solution: 7295372
Timing: 114.229ms
Approach: Stern–Brocot tree.

Problem 74

Name: Digit factorial chains
Solution: 402
Timing: 23783.8ms
Approach: Direct search (could be improved with caching)

Problem 75

Name: Singular integer right triangles
Solution: 161667
Timing: 985.493ms
Approach: Euclid's formula for generating Pythagorean triples.

Problem 76

Name: Counting summations
Solution: 190569291
Timing: 0.083216ms
Approach: Dynamic programming, copy of problem 31.

Problem 77

Name: Prime summations
Solution: 71
Timing: 0.4757ms
Approach: Dynamic programming with a table, also sieve of Eratosthenes for primes.

Problem 78

Name: Coin partitions
Solution: 55374
Timing: 10713ms
Approach: Euler's formula for the partition function.

Problem 79

Name: Passcode derivation
Solution: 73162890
Timing: 0.691495ms
Approach: Assuming each digit is used only once, we can construct a graph from the number orderings, then find the unique topological ordering that is also a Hamiltonian path by iteratively removing the node with no children.

Problem 80

Name: Square root digital expansion
Solution: 40886
Timing: 3.37375ms
Approach: The GNU multi-precision library makes this straight-forward.

Problem 81

Name: Path sum: two ways
Solution: 427337
Timing: 1.87716
Approach: Dijkstra's algorithm (Same as problem 67).

Problem 82

Name: Path sum: three ways
Solution: 260324
Timing: 2.00656ms
Approach: Dijkstra's algorithm (Same as problem 81).

Problem 83

Name: Path sum: four ways
Solution: 425185
Timing: 110.634ms
Approach: Full Dijkstra's algorithm with a priority queue.

Problem 84

Name: Monopoly odds
Solution: 101524
Timing: 785.269ms
Approach: Monte-Carlo simulation.

Problem 85

Name: Counting rectangles
Solution: 2772
Timing: 0.240589ms
Approach: Direct brute force search.

Problem 86

Name: Cuboid route
Solution: 1818
Timing: 9576.07ms
Approach: Brute force search. (Faster is possible with Euclid's Pythagorean triple generating function)

Problem 87

Name: Prime power triples
Solution: 1097343
Timing: 2035.74ms
Approach: Brute force with appropriate choices of loops and bounds.

Problem 88

Name: Product-sum numbers
Solution: 7587457
Timing: 2540.85ms
Approach: Dynamic programming.

Problem 89

Name: Roman numerals
Solution: 743
Timing: 6.53083ms
Approach: Just parsing.

Problem 90

Name: Cube digit pairs
Solution: 1217
Timing: 1718.46ms
Approach: Brute force.

Problem 91

Name: Right triangles with integer coordinates
Solution: 14234
Timing: 0.221873ms
Approach: Because a right-angle between lines means they have negative reciprocal slopes we can efficiently look at all points in the lattice and count points that make right triangles with them.

Problem 92

Name: Square digit chains
Solution: 8581146
Timing: 24174.3ms
Approach: Direct approach, caching previous results.

Problem 93

Name: Arithmetic expressions
Solution: 1258
Timing: 1143.05ms
Approach: Brute force iterate over possible expression trees.

Problem 94

Name: Almost equilateral triangles
Solution: 518408346
Timing: 34173.8ms
Approach: Euclid's method for generating Pythagorean triplets.

Problem 95

Name: Amicable chains
Solution: 14316
Timing: 3896.47ms
Approach: Cache previous chains, use fast method for Aliquot sum from problem 23.

Problem 96

Name: Su Doku
Solution: 24702
Timing: 3264.59ms
Approach: Keep track of possibilities for each cell. Search with backtracking.

Problem 97

Name: Large non-Mersenne prime
Solution: 8739992577
Timing: 0.060778ms
Approach: Fast exponentiation.

Problem 98

Name: Anagramic squares
Solution: 18769
Timing: 1130.15ms
Approach: Create sets of permutation words, use permutations of square numbers to map to the permutations.

Problem 99

Name: Largest exponential
Solution: 709
Timing: 2.38343ms
Approach: Use logarithms to make the sizes fit into memory. Turns out we have enough precision for this approach to work.

Problem 100

Name: Arranged probability
Solution: 756872327473
Timing: 2.97521ms
Approach: This problems reduces to Pell's equation. See problem 66.

Useful resources


Solutions to Project Euler problems






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