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Releases: jldeen/dotfiles

Badass Terminal v1.2 Update (macOS)

04 Jun 23:13
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  • Fixed git credential config bug (global & local) (previously cached my username)
  • Fixed copy bug in tmux mode when using jldeen dotfiles
  • Fixed insert mode error in vim (allow backspacing over everything in insert mode)
  • Fixed pip for setuptools upgrade
  • Added checks in for zsh, oh-my-zsh install, and vs code symlink
  • Added new features embedded with Powerlevel9k
    • Dir_writable
    • Kubernetes support
  • Added iTerm and Azure CLI installs to brewfile for autoinstall
  • Added auto setup of iterm with fonts when jldeen dotfiles are used
  • Removed hardcode source from .zshrc and .bashrc for az
  • Updated auto sourcing for zsh-autosuggestions plugin
  • Updated settings.json for VS Code
  • Updated iterm config
  • Streamlined and enhanced bandwidth data performance
    • Speedtest-cli command moved to crontab to be run in 15min increments and output data to log
    • Tmux reads log and prints relevant data
  • General code cleanup and optimization

Badass Terminal v1.2 Update (WSL)

30 May 19:06
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  • Updated az-cli signing key per Jerry Locke
  • Fixed git credential config bug (global & local) (previously cached my username)
  • Added checks in for zsh and oh-my-zsh install

Badass update

02 Mar 18:22
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First major update to WSL/ Linux Bad Ass Terminal.

General changes (WSL and Ubuntu):

  • Adds in "k" alias for kubectl to .zshrc
  • Added responsive functionality to tmux status bar
  • Added packet loss data in tmux status bar
  • Added speedtest data (download and upload bandwidth info) in tmux status bar
  • Updated how public IP address data is parsed in tmux status bar
  • Updated az cli install
  • Updated vim color scheme and added vim airline plugin
  • Optimized PowerShell install script with help from Steven Murawski
  • New font added to repo (Source Code Pro Nerd Font Complete Mono)

Includes formal support for Ubuntu (16.04 and 17.10):

  • Copies gnome.profile colors and configures terminal if selected to use my dotfiles
    symlinks settings.json for VS Code

Initial dotfiles release

02 Mar 18:17
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What will this install?

Update package lists
git completion
zsh-completions plugin
zsh-autosuggestions plugin
zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin
vimrc undle
wombat vim colorsheme
midnight commander
bashrc colorscheme – solarized dark
optional: my dotfiles
optional: az cli 2.0
optional: change default shell to zsh