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rshell imitates the functionality of a terminal. rshell performs the following steps:

  1. Print the command prompt userName@hostName $
  2. Read in a command on one line. Commands can be separated by connectors.
    • Connectors include &&, ||, and ;.
  3. Execute the line of commands
    • If a command is followed by ;, then the next command (if any) is always executed.
    • If a command is followed by &&, then the next command is executed only if the first one succeeds (returning true).
    • If a command is followed by ||, then the next command is executed only if the first one does not succeed (returning false).
    • Anything found after the first found # is considered a comment and will be ignored.
Known Bugs(hw0)
  • Commands with more than 2 but less than 7 flags will not execute.
  • echo with quotes will include quotes in output.

In addition to hw0 functionality, rshell can now perform the following:

  1. Input redirection (< and <<<)
  2. Output redirection (> and >>)
  3. Pipes (single and chained)
Known Bugs(hw2)
  • single and double quotes are always included in string inputs
  • Cannot pipe with input redirection

In addition to hw0 and hw2 funcionality, rshell can now perform the following:

  1. prompt also displays the current working directory
    • the home folder is replaced with a ~ for readability
  2. cd <PATH> which will change the current working directory to
  3. cd which will change the current working directory to the home directory
  4. cd - prints an error if OLDPID is not set
  5. ^C does not exist rshell. The current foreground job receives the SIGINT signal instead. This kills the job, and control is returned to rshell.
Known Bugs(hw3)
  • cd - does not change the current working directory


ls implements a subset of the GNU ls command:

  1. It can support the -a, -l, and -R optional flags; and the ability to pass in one or many files optional.
  2. It also displays different types of files in different colors that can be combinable
    • directories are blue
    • executables are green
    • hidden files have a gray background
Known Bugs(hw1)
  • Files are listed in alphabetical order from left to right, then top to bottom.
  • Columns are all of equal width.
  • Sometimes outputs an unnecessary endl.
How To Run rshell
$ git clone
$ cd rshell
$ git checkout hw3
$ make
$ bin/rshell
How To Run ls
$ git clone
$ cd rshell
$ git checkout hw1
$ make
$ bin/ls


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