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Google Chat app using OpenAI chat completion and image generation API


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AI Chatter

AI Chatter is a proof-of-concept project for creating a simple Google Chat app which uses the OpenAI chat completion API and image generation API and runs on Google Apps Script without any additional cloud services.



This implementation is not suitable for heavy use because it relies on Google Apps Script properties for storing chat history data. The script properties are not designed for storing such quickly changing information but they made it possible to implement the chat history without using any additional services.

Definitely DO NOT deploy this implementation as an external public chat app because the implementation does not have any safeguards for such usage.

Security and privacy

Anyone having access to the deployed chat app can send chat completion and image generation requests to OpenAI API using the configured API key. It is possible to deploy the chat app only to specific Google users or user groups for test use. The chat app has also been used for an organization wide internal deployment in a small organization.

The implementation sends chat completion and image generation requests to OpenAI API. The requests also include the numeric Google user identifier (e.g. users/<digits>) of the user making the request. Additionally, the current chat history including the timestamps and chat messages is stored as a script property in Google Apps Script. Anyone participating the chat can view the history using the /history command.

Textual content received from the user as input or received from the chat completion API as output is sent to the OpenAI moderation API before being used. If the content is flagged by the moderation API then the content will not be used and an error is shown instead.

Ensure that proper terms of use and privacy policy are being applied if you make the chat app accessible to others. Ensure you comply with the OpenAI terms of use.


To build AI Chatter, you will need Node.js (developed with major version 18).

First install the required Node modules once with NPM.

npm install

Then build the application. This will produce appsscript/AIChatter.js which is suitable for the Google Apps Script environment.

npm run build


Required service accounts

To deploy the chat app you will need accounts for the following third party services.

Chat app configuration

First read Google Chat guide Google Apps Script Chat app quickstart and follow its instructions to setup the environment for an Apps Script based chat app like AI Chatter.

  1. Open Google Cloud console and create a new project for the chat app.

  2. Enable Google Chat API for the project:
    APIs & Services > search for "Google Chat API" > Enable API

  3. Set up OAuth consent screen for an internal chat app:
    APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen
    (no need to specify scopes for internal testing)

  4. Open Project settings using the three-dot button and copy Project number for later use.

  5. Go to Google Apps Script, create a new project and give it some name.

  6. Open Project settings and check Show appsscript.json.

  7. Copy and paste compiled application code from appsscript/AIChatter.js to Apps Script project editor into (or similar) and rename it to

  8. Copy and paste appsscript/appsscript.json content to Apps Script editor into appsscript.json (or just add the property chat: {}).

  9. Open Project settings using the cogwheel button and set Google Cloud Project (GCP) project number to the value copied from Google Cloud project.

  10. Open OpenAI console and from the user menu select View API keys. Click Create new secret key and copy it securely.

  11. Switch back to Google Apps Script project, select Project settings and at the end of the page add a new Script property with name OPENAI_API_KEY and value being the just created OpenAPI API key. Finally, save the script properties.

The chat app project is now configured.

Test deployment

The next step is to publish a test version of the chat app for ourselves to try.

  1. In your Apps Script project, select Deploy > New deployment and click the cogwheel next to type selection. Select Extension. Give the deployment some name and publish. Then open Deploy > Test deployments, copy the shown Head deployment id and click Done.

  2. Go back to Google Cloud console, search for "Google Chat API" and open it. Then click Manage and open tab Configuration. Fill in your application name, avatar URL and description. Under Functionality select Receive 1:1 messages and Join spaces and group conversations. For Connection settings select Apps Script project and paste the Head deployment id from the previous step. Finally under Visibility make the app available to yourself. You may wish to enable logs. Finally click Save, reload the page and you should see App status LIVE.

Now we can verify that the chat app is visible.

  1. Open Google Chat using the same account as you used for the Apps Script project and as the test user.

  2. Create a new chat using the plus button, select Search for apps and then search for your chat app by name. It should be visible in the list. Select the app and start a new 1:1 chat.

  3. Send a message to the chat app. You should get a prompt to setup the chat app which should take you to the app consent screen and ask for a permission to use network connectivity (to connect to OpenAI API). Choose to consent.

  4. Start chatting with the chat app and try /help for further help on commands.

If you get an error saying that only trusted applications are allowed in your Google Workspaces domain then you have to specifically allow the chat app (requires admin rights for your Google Workspace).

  1. Take note of the error message shown, it includes your application identifier of the format <cryptic-long-id> Copy it.

  2. Open Google Admin Console and from the left panel open Security > Access rights and data management > Application interface controls and from there Define third party application access rights. Search your chat app using the application identifier from the previous step as the search string and make it trusted.


This chat app is configured using script properties.

Please note that also chat histories and chat space specific configuration are stored as script properties. These properties have a property name with prefix _history or _configuration and they should be modified only via the chat app.

Sensitive properties

The following script properties must be set in the Google Apps Script console. Open your script, click cogwheel, open Project settings and the script properties can be set at the end of the page. These properties can not be set over chat interface for security reasons.

    The mandatory OpenAI API key which must be kept secret.

    An optional list of user identifiers that are granted administrative permissions. Admin users can use administrative commands over a chat interface in a one-to-one chat with the app. If multiple admin users are specified then the identifiers must be separated by commas or spaces. The user identifiers are of the form user/<number-sequence> and the easiest way to find yours is to send the command /show to the app. If you are not an administrator it will display an error message along with your user identifier.

Runtime properties

The following script properties can be set either in Google Apps Script console as described in the previous section or an admin user can /show and /set them over the chat interface in a one-to-one chat with the app.

    default is <chat app name>
    Chat app name used in the help text and introductory texts returned by the app. Set this to the actual name of your chat app as configured in Google Cloud for better user experience.

    JSON string value, e.g. "Something\nlike\nthis"
    Overrides the default chat app introduction text shown to the user when the chat app is added to a new chat. Any occurrences of <chat app name> are replaced by the value of property CHAT_APP_NAME, if set.

    JSON string value, e.g. "Something\nlike\nthis"
    Overrides the default prompt sent to the chat completion API for obtaining self-introduction from ChatGPT when the chat app is added to a new chat. Set this property to none to disable the feature.

    JSON string value, e.g. "Something\nlike\nthis"
    Overrides the default help text returned by the /help command. An occurrence of <admin-commands> is replaced by the standard admin commands help section if the user is an admin user.

    must be a numeric JSON value, default is 60
    Specifies how long the chat history is preserved, in minutes. Any chat messages that are older are purged and not used as part of the chat completion history for new chat messages. In other words, chat completion forgets any older messages exchanged with the user in the current chat. Also the last image command is remembered for the same duration, for command /again.

    default is
    URL of the OpenAI moderation API.

    default is:
    URL of the OpenAI chat completion API.

    default is gpt-3.5-turbo
    OpenAI chat completion model to use.

    default is the API default value (1)
    Chat completion API temperature parameter, a value between 0 and 2. See the API reference.

    default is an empty array []
    This property can be used to specify a chat completion initialization sequence. It is a sequence of messages that is always added to chat completion requests before actual stored chat history. In other words, it can be used to specify permanent instructions for the chat completion model before any user input. The value must be a JSON array containing objects compatible with the chat completion API. Instead of setting this property directly, it is easier to just use /init command to set the initialization prompt.

    true or false, default is false
    If this property is set to true then the app will instruct chat completion to use generated images as illustrations in its responses. Required instructions are added to any existing chat completion initialization sequence.

    JSON string value, default is "You may include DALLE generated images in your responses using notation [DALLE: your prompt for image]. Use it only when an image illustration would provide additional information that can not be described by text."
    This property specifies the initialization sequence instruction given to the chat completion for it to use generated images as illustrations.

    true or false, default is false
    OpenAI chat completion API uses tokens for pricing. This property specifies whether to show the number of tokens used as part of the response returned to the user. The total cost is also shown if CHAT_COMPLETION_TOKEN_PRICE has been set.

    must be a numeric JSON value (e.g. 0.000002), default is unset
    Chat completion price per token in US dollars. If specified then the total cost is shown along with the token usage if CHAT_COMPLETION_SHOW_TOKENS has been set to true.

    default is
    URL of the OpenAI image generation API.

    JSON string value, e.g. "Something\nlike\nthis", default is unset
    This property can be used to translate image requests using chat completion before they are sent to the image generation API. If set, the value must be a JSON string value and it must contain string <image prompt> which will be replaced by the original image prompt. This value is then sent to the chat completion API and its response is used as input to image generation API. A typical use case would be to translate image prompts to English for a better response.
    Example of a potential value:
    "Output only the following text in English:\n\n<image prompt>"

    true or false, default is false
    Whether to log requests received from and responses returned to Google Chat.

    true or false, default is false
    Whether to log requests sent to and responses received from OpenAI moderation API.

    true or false, default is false
    Whether to log requests sent to and responses received from OpenAI chat completion API.

    true or false, default is false
    Whether to log requests sent to and responses received from OpenAI image API.


To communicate with the deployed chat app, go to Google Chat and start a new chat with the app by clicking the plus icon and then searching for apps by name.

The chat app can also be added to group chats and spaces. However, in that case it will only receive the messages by explicitly mentioning the app using @<chat app name>.

User commands

The following user commands can be used by any user having access to the chat app.

  • /help
    Show the help on commands.

  • /intro
    Replay the chat app introduction normally displayed when the chat app is invited to a new discussion.

  • /image [n=<number of images>] [<size, e.g. 512x512>] <prompt>
    Request an image or images to be generated based on the specified prompt. The command parameters may specify the number of images to be generated using notation n=<number of images>, e.g. n=3. Also the size of the generated image(s) can be specified using notation 512x512. The specified size is rounded to one of the image sizes supported by the OpenAI API: 256x256, 512x512 or 1024x1024. Also see the property IMAGE_PROMPT_TRANSLATION to translate or transform provided image prompts.

  • /again
    Repeat the previous chat completion request or image generation request. The generated responses have a lot of random variation so this is an easy way to get an alternative response. Also, if you experience timeout errors then this command can be used for repeating the timeouted request.

  • /history [clear]
    Show or clear chat history which is the basis for chat completion responses.

  • /config help
    /config <option> [<value>]
    /config [clear]
    Manage the configuration for the current chat space. Any user who can send chat messages in the space can modify these configuration options. The first variant shows help on available configuration options. The second variant sets or clears a configuration option. The third variant shows or clears all configuration options for the current chat space. The following configuration options are available.

    • instruct: Text for instructing the language model in this space. The text is inserted at the beginning of each conversation and it can be used to control the language model behaviour. For example: "Reply with binary ones and zeros only."
    • temperature: Chat completion API temperature parameter, a value between 0 and 2. See the API reference. Overrides the CHAT_COMPLETION_TEMPERATURE script property.

Administrative commands

The following administrative commands can be used by administrators specified using the ADMINS property. These commands can only be used in a one-to-one chat with the chat app.

  • /init [<initialization>]
    Set global chat initialization prompt which will be included at the start of each discussion but is not visible to the users. It can be used to instruct the language model to behave in a certain way. An example initialization might be: "In this chat you are a polite research assistant helping scientists and providing them with scientific citations." This is a kind of "programming" for the language model. If this command is given without any initialization prompt then any existing initialization is cleared.

  • /show [<property...>]
    Show the values of visible configuration properties or values of the specified properties, if any are specified. This command does not show the properties storing the API key or chat histories.

  • /set <property> [<value>]
    Sets the specified configuration property to the specified value. This command refuses to set the sensitive properties OPENAI_API_KEY and ADMINS and properties storing chat history. If no value is specified then the property is cleared.


For development, it is recommended to use Clasp (Command Line Apps Script Projects) which makes it possible to do development locally and to sync changes to Google Apps Script from the command line.

First go to Google Apps Script user settings and enable Google Apps Script API if it is not enabled.

Now login to Google Apps Script with Clasp. Depending on your Google Workspace security settings, you might first have to add Clasp as a trusted application. The stored login token may expire periodically requiring a new login before other actions are possible.

npx clasp login

Then clone the Apps Script project that you setup for the chat app into the appsscript directory. This is done only once to initialize the development environment. For this operation you will need the identifier of the script. Go to Google Apps Script, open your chat app script, click cogwheel on the left, open Project settings and copy the script identifier.

( cd appsscript && npx clasp clone <script id> )

Now you can compile a new version and push it to Google Apps Script using just command line.

npm run build
npm run push

You can also use Clasp for other tasks such as publishing a new version of the app. Execute any Clasp commands in the appsscript directory.