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Zwift Data Logger and Results Generator

Data Collection

zlogger binary

Obtain the zlogger binary from Jonathan Lemon. This is needed to generate the data. This is a terminal application, The current binary is located in a [Dropbox][dropbox] folder - zlogger is the Mac version, while is the Windows version.


The chalk.txt file contains a collection of chalklines to monitor. The current code is arbitrarily limited to watching 8 chalklines, and selects the correct set of chalklines for the world being monitored.

Comment/uncomment lines in the chalk.txt file to taste.


As run zlogger -c chalk.txt -w WORLD in order to start the logger. WORLD should start with 'r' or 'w', for Richmond or Watopia.

The monitored interface will default to the first interface if omitted. Alternate interfaces may be selected with -i interface

Three files will be created:

  • debug.log will contain debugging information.
  • chat.log will contain the message log.
  • race_database.sql3 contains position information.

Note that the database schema is subject to change without notice.

Mac version

Obtain zlogger from the link above, place in a folder on your desktop. Change permissions to runnable: chmod 755 zlogger Run zlogger as root. The first interface will likely default to en0.

Windows version

win10pcap is required -- obtain and install from the web. The pcap drivers are compatible with windows 7 and windows 10.

On windows, interface names are specified via their UUIDs, which look like "{...}" - the curly brackets are part of the interface name and must be included. A list of valid interface names is printed in the debug.log file on startup.

Report Generation

This uses your Zwift login in order to pull rider information from Zwift.

This is the main result generation script. It consumes a configuration file describing the race, extracts the set of position records from the database, and creates the race results. Sample usage: ./ -ni config/KISS-richmond.conf

The result script has many options and settings. Interested readers should consult the source for definitive listings.

mkresults Configuration file

Races are described by a configuration file. See config/ZTR-w8topia.conf for a commented description.

Configuration Options

ID name

Identifier used in report generation.

NAME string

Name of the race, used in report generation.


Only riders which have tag in their name will be included in the results.

START dir { chalkline }

The start of the race is designated by crossing chalkline in the specified dir. chalkline is a name from the chalk.txt file.

FINISH dir { chalkline }

The end of the race is designated by crossing chalkline in the specified dir. chalkline is a name from the chalk.txt file.

BEGIN date date time time zone zone

The race starts at the specified time. date, time, zone are specified in RFC 3339 style format, zone may be local for local timezone, zulu for UTC time, or an RFC-compliant timezone offset such as -800.

CUTOFF time time or pace pace

The race ends after the specified time, or after (distance * pace) time.

CAT cat { start } [km | mi] distance

Specifies the minimum distance needed in order to complete the race. Multiple cat entries are allowed. For example:

CAT AB { delay 0 } km 56
CAT CD { delay 2:00 } km 27

Will set up 2 categories for different distances, with the second group starting 2 minues after the first one.

GRACE min min

Allows riders to start min before the official start without being DQd.

LOOKBACK min min

Looks back min from start time, including those riders in the DQ/DNF results.

WINDOW min min or time time

Only riders crossing the start line between (start + window) are considered as participating in the race. Also known as the starting cutoff time.

CORRAL dir { chalkline }

Riders must be within the corral at the start (or move through the corral slowly during the start). The intent is to flag and DQ riders which are performing flying starts.


Point scoring system.


All of this should be considered Early-Access Beta software, and is subject to change without notice. [dropbox]: "Dropbox"


Zwift Data Logger







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