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treason edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 4 revisions

EG requires the webserver plugin we can send commands to it from the app.

If you have an IR blaster, then the "Microsoft MCE Remote Plugin" is also needed. This plugin lets you record a remote control event, and play it back from another event.

In order for gesturePad to query eventghost with what input the TV is currently set to, create a text file called index.html to the webserver root, with the following text

	"device" : "{{eg.globals.input}}"

eg.globals.input will be "DTV" or "MCE"

Here is the eventghost config file I am using now: You can save this file, and import it into EG, then modify to fit your needs.

All commands are in the Web folder in the above config file. For example, gesturePad sends the command: when the Volume command is triggered via gesture or pick list.