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linsync cluster scripts

Set up

On your cluster, you will need a few tweaks before the scripts will work for you:

  1. - at lines 51-60 edit the qsub command to be precisely what your cluster needs. This will include editing your memory/resource requirements if they are supplied in the qsub command to your cluster.
  2. - at lines 18-21 edit the resources you require if your cluster checks resources from the script that will be run. Also edit which Matlab or other modules you need to load in.
  3. Check that all of the .sh files are executable (they should already be) - run chmod u+x *.sh if not.

How it works

In brief:

  1. You set up the parameters for your experiments in parameters.m.
  2. You call 1 1 200 for example to set up 200 parallel experiments -- these run several repeat sample networks each in parallel over the same parameter settings, rather than parallelising over parameters. Each job requires ~3 hours on my cluster for Figure 1 and <10 minutes for Figure 4 subfigure jobs.
  3. creates a lot of dummy copies of the parameters file (basically only changing the results filename for each) and then calls to submit a cluster job for each. There are probably simpler ways to do this with array jobs on the cluster, but I had this running already ...
  4. Each cluster job is to call, which in turn runs Matlab with runComputeSyncResults.m with the given parameter file.
  5. When the cluster jobs are finished, you have the 200 (or however many you ran) results files in the sub-folder of results.
  6. You can call to remove the temporary files.
  7. The combineSyncResults.m script then pulls all of these together into a single results file; you can run this on your laptop after pulling all the results files across.

Example - recreating Figure 1 from the paper

The parameters file figure1ParametersCluster.m is provided for use on the cluster, specifying only 10 repeats per job (we will run 200 jobs, creating 2000 repeats in total). It is almost the same as that supplied in ../2023-AnalyticRelationshipPaper for single-threaded runs. Also see how a parameter argument will be substituted as [@P1] in the results file name, this ensures the parallel jobs all write to different results files. So we copy that here as parameters.m for the cluster scripts to use:

cp ./figure1ParametersCluster.m ./parameters.m

Now we will submit 200 cluster jobs running runComputeSyncResults.m via

./ 1 1 200

Then we wait -- each job should take 2-3 hours, but may take longer to reach the head of the queue.

Once all the jobs are finished, you should have mat files for each value of S in folders 1 through 200 under your results folder. Now we combine these results into single .mat files for each S (with 2000 repeats contained for each). You can do this on the cluster itself if you are allowed user-level Matlab jobs there, or else copy all of the results folders back to your own machine. In either case, now make sure that you set parameters.combineResultsFrom to where all of the results folders are. Then you can run in Matlab:


or passing the same parameters file in that you used on the cluster.

We now have single results files for each value of S (in parameters.folder) and are now ready to plot the results in Matlab. Before we plot them, we just need to adjust parameters.repeats from the number of repeats in each thread (10 above) to the total across all threads (2000 above):

% Adjust the parameters so that the results files are found properly:
parameters.repeats = 2000;
% Now plot the results:
figure(2); % Select the correct plot we're keeping
print('-depsc', [parameters.folder, 'fig1.eps'])
saveas(gca, [parameters.folder, 'fig1.fig'], 'fig');

Example - recreating Figure 4 from the paper

The parameters file figure4aParametersCluster.m is provided for use on the cluster, specifying only 10 repeats per job (we will run 200 jobs, creating 2000 repeats in total). It is almost the same as that supplied in ../2023-AnalyticRelationshipPaper for short single-threaded runs. Also see how a parameter argument will be substituted as [@P1] in the results file name, this ensures the parallel jobs all write to different results files. So we copy that here as parameters.m for the cluster scripts to use:

cp ./figure4aParametersCluster.m ./parameters.m

The file currently asks for 4 hours of walltime for the Figure 1 experiments; you could bring this down to 20 minutes for each Figure 4 experiment.

Now we will submit 200 cluster jobs running runComputeSyncResults.m via

./ 1 1 200

Then we wait -- each job should take up to a few minutes, but may take longer to reach the head of the queue.

Once all the jobs are finished, you should have mat files in folders 1 through 200 under your results folder. Now we combine these results into a single .mat file (with 2000 repeats contained for each). You can do this on the cluster itself if you are allowed user-level Matlab jobs there, or else copy all of the results folders back to your own machine. In either case, now make sure that you set parameters.combineResultsFrom to where all of the results folders are. Then you can run in Matlab:


or passing the same parameters file in that you used on the cluster.

We now have a single result file for this parameter set (in parameters.folder) and are now ready to plot the results in Matlab. Before we plot them, we just need to adjust parameters.repeats from the number of repeats in each thread (10 above) to the total across all threads (2000 above):

% Adjust the parameters so that the results files are found properly:
parameters.repeats = 2000;
% Now plot the results:
figure(1); % Select the correct plot we're keeping
print('-depsc', [parameters.folder, 'fig4a.eps'])
saveas(gca, [parameters.folder, 'fig4a.fig'], 'fig');

To reproduce subfigures 4b-f also, I've supplied sample parameters files here. You can basically re-reun this section replacing 4a with the subfigure label for the next experiment.