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Todo App

How to run the application

To run the frontend and backend:

cd todo_backend && node server.js

cd todo_client && npm start

To refresh the documentation run:

In VSCode you can download an extension called "Live Server" if you right click the file "index.html" in the "todo_client/jsdoc" folder you can open it with Live Server.

Features of the application


Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 14 25 30

The dashboard contains all of the currently existing boards. It also contains a modal with a form to create a new board.


Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 14 25 18

Each board contains a list of columns. It also includes a form to create a new column.


Each individual column contains a list of tasks that are assigned to that particular column. It also has a form to create a new task. A column can be deleted or edited.


Each task has a title and a description and is either assigned to a user or unassigned. The task displays the user's avatar. A task can be moved between columns. A task can be deleted or edited.


Users have a name, email, password, avatar URL and an admin status. Only admins can create boards and columns. Users can be deleted and passwords are salted and hashed. Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 14 25 59

Design decisions

We went for a beige and orange colour palette because it is high contrast and makes the content easily readable.

We gave the buttons larger text to make it more accessible.

Team roles and responsibilities

Jack - Most of the backend endpoints, some testing, creating UML diagrams, user creation / deletion.

Josh - Frontend modal and base classes.

Katie - Most of the testing, created database models, documentation.

Christie - Forms, added some endpoints with tests, edit and delete buttons, styling.

UML Diagrams

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Schema Diagram

Schema Diagram

Sequence Diagrams

Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram

Database design

We have four tables, Users, Boards, Columns, and Tasks.

Boards have a ownerId which connects to a user in the Users table. One user can have many boards, and a board belongs to a user. A board also has many columns, and a column belongs to a board.

Tasks have a userId which connects to a user in the Users table. A user can have many tasks, and a task belongs to a user.

Columns have a boardId which connects to a specific board in the Boards table. A column has many tasks, and a task belongs to a column.

Unit test coverage report




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