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This is the repository for the iData class on Interactive Data Science, which can be found on the web at Make4All/idata

Get things ready

You need to make use of Compute Engine to have a working space in which you can install arbitrary python libraries.

To create an instance, you need to first give yourself the proper permissions to use it. To do this, go to the IAM & Admin menu, and select both the role 'Compute Instance Admin (beta)' and 'App Engine Admin' for your account. Also be sure to check the box allowing HTTP access. picture alt

To set up Compute Engine, use the Linux Quickstart. However, note that you may want a machine with more RAM for the final byte (machine learning). You will only be able to load about 1/10th of the training data with the 3.75 gig of RAM in the smallest machine.

Here is what your network looks like on your instance page. The green checkmark indicates that it is running. You can now check if your instance is working by clicking on the word 'SSH' on the VM instances page: picture alt

...which will open a shell in a browser window: picture alt

Finally, you may wish to modify your firewall for testing things such as Jupyter, if you plan to run them on your compute server. First, you will need to set your VM to allow connections to your notebook. At the command line in your shell, you can type gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-http --description "Incoming http allowed." --allow tcp:9999 --format json or if you have any trouble with that, just do it in the GUI: picture alt

Install Software on your virtual machine

First download git:

 sudo apt-get install git

Then download this repository

 git clone

Then change directories to the location of the install scripts and make them executable

 cd ~/idata/install_scripts/
 chmod +x *.sh

the scripts are run in this order. Be sure to watch the first one and type 'y' when prompted First setup_vm installs base software for the vm, apache and so on


Then setup_python installs python and related libraries you'll need


Finally move_files correctly configures apache


To access your main website, go to the IP address listed on your google compute instances page (you can see it listed below, but it will be different for your instance, possibly every time you restart it, unless you pay for a fixed dip and tie it to a hostname) picture alt

To run your notebook, you simply type

 jupyter notebook

To access your notebook, you go to the same IP address, with a :8888 on it. This will only work when the notebook is running.


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