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A new tab page that opens other new tab pages!!!

Mandatory screenshot

This is a chrome extension. It's not published, so you'll have to clone the repo, then install it as an unpacked extension.

How It Works

  1. Extract the chrome_url_overrides.newtab information from the extension manifest.
  2. chrome.tabs.update(current_tab, {url: 'chrome-extension://<extension-id>/<newtab>.html'})
  3. It works!

The extension "database" is stored in a bookmarks folder called New Tabs.

Basic Documentation

The 'Your Extensions' section is a list of your extensions. Click the title of each extension to open it in the current tab. There is a 'remove' button next to each extension. That button removes the extension from Multitab and the New Tabs folder.

Adding an Extension

In the 'Add an Extension' section, select the new tab extension you want to add in the dropdown menu.

Note all your Chrome extensions will be in the dropdown. This is a limitation of Chrome.

Press the 'Enter manifest' button and follow the directions that appear. (A new tab will be opened.)

After pasting into the textbox, if the extension you chose is not a new tab extension, the message 'This is not a new tab extension.' will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, press the OK button that appears at the bottom of the page.


As for style, all I can say is the follow what's already here (including directory structure). Here are some code snippets to serve as examples.

function toggleManifestInput() {
  globalModel.showManifestInput = !globalModel.showManifestInput;
  if (globalModel.showManifestInput) {
      url: toUrl(JSON.parse(globalModel.ext).id, 'manifest.json'),
      active: false
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <script src="../bower_components/rivets/dist/rivets.bundled.min.js"
  <script src='lib/main.js' type="text/javascript"></script>

Try to keep lines under 80 characters.

Unit tests are written using Jasmine. They are in the src/specs directory. Run the specs by opening src/test.html in a browser.

All specs for components should go into src/specs/components.


  1. Design user interface
  2. Add random new tab and round robin new tab selection
  3. Publish the thing
  4. The future is what you make it


A new tab that opens other new tabs






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