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A Puppet module that adds colors to the user and host portions of the PS1 prompt.


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Puppet Color Prompt


This module adds colors to the user and host portions of the PS1 prompt.

Module Description

This module adds a script to /etc/profile.d to insert terminal colors into your PS1 prompt variable. This is useful to help differentiate production system prompts from local prompts.

You haven't lived until you've accidentally shut down a production system! ;)


Basic Usage

This will install the colorprompt script with the default settings. This will only color the user portion of the prompt when you are root.

include ::colorprompt

Production System in Red

This is what you might define for a production system that should show a red hostname and prepend a red 'PRD' to your prompt:

class { '::colorprompt':
  env_name   => 'PRD',
  env_color  => 'red',
  host_color => 'red',

Available Colors

This module supports the basic colors of an 8-color terminal, which should be pretty universally supported:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

All of these are also available as background colors by adding 'bg_' to the beginning of the color name, eg bg_yellow.

A few styles are also supported:

  • bright
  • faint
  • underline
  • blink

Combining Colors

You can combine multiple colors and styles by defining an array instead of just a string. For example, this monstrosity:

class { '::colorprompt':
  env_name  => 'ATROCIOUS',
  env_color => [ 'underline', 'green', 'bg_red' ],



  • colorprompt: Creates the script in /etc/profile.d/



Control if this module's functionality is active.
Type: String
Default: 'present'


Path to the colorprompt script.
Type: String
Default: '/etc/profile.d/'


Sets a color for all users. Specific user colors can be overridden by custom_usercolors.
Type: String or Array
Default: undef


Sets the color for specific users.
Type: Hash
Default: { 'root' => 'red' }


Which color to use for the host portion of the prompt.
Type: String or Array
Default: undef


The string added to the beginning of the prompt, 'DEV', 'PROD', etc.
Type: String
Default: undef


Color of the string added to the beginning of the prompt, see 'env_name'.
Type: String or Array
Default: undef


Format of the $PS1 variable. Use ${env}, ${userColor} and ${hostColor}.
Type: String
${env}[${userColor}\u\[\e[0m\]@${hostColor}\h\[\e[0m\] \w]\\\\$ on RedHat
${env}${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}${userColor}\u\[\e[0m\]@${hostColor}\h\[\e[0m\]:\w\\\\$ on Debian


Comments out PS1 variables in /etc/skel/.bashrc on Debian distributions.
Type: Boolean
Default: true on Debian, false on RedHat


Comments out PS1 variables in /root/.bashrc on Debian distributions.
Type: Boolean
Default: true on Debian, false on RedHat


Copyright 2014-2015 Gjermund Jensvoll <>
Copyright 2018 John Marion <>


Ubuntu and Debian need modification to existing user ~/.bashrc files (comment out PS1 variables).