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File metadata and controls

202 lines (138 loc) · 7.88 KB


Securing API requests

The platform will validate any request received by the system following the terminology AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting):

  • Authentication: Identifying who is doing the request.
  • Authorization: Validating that the action requested on the resource associated can be done.
  • Traceability: Auditing the action and who has performed it.

So, for each request received, the platform performs the following actions:

  • Identify the petitioner through the header HTTP.
  • Check that it can do the requested action on the resource indicated.
  • Register the performed action.


Sentilo itself does not provide a mechanism to SSL/TLS http protocol (inbound https requests). That's because we don't need to duplicate the work of others - Sentilo is typically deployed behind a reverse proxy or an API manager, which already handle the encrypted connections very well.


To identify the petitioner, the platform uses an authentication mechanism based on tokens (Token Based Authentication).

It’s necessary to establish a distribution mechanism outside the platform for send the tokens among the different users of the platforms securely. Future versions of Sentilo will include this feature.

The token will be included in the request by adding a header with key IDENTITY_KEY.

An example of a service request (GET in this case) using the curl tool:

curl --request GET --header "IDENTITY_KEY: <YOUR_KEY>" http://<>/resource

In case of incorrect or invalid token , the platform will respond with an error code 401.


To validate the requested action on the resource indicated in the request can be performed, the platform uses a permit system that checks authorized entity ( provider or application ) is allowed to admin, write or read in a resource.

These permissions are defined via the catalog console of the platform and, by default, every entity can be administrated by its owner.

If an action on a resource is done without the appropriate permission, platform will return an error 403.

Securing Callbacks

If it's necessary to secure the push requests sent by the platform, Sentilo provides a HMAC mechanism for the callbacks.

This mechanism guarantees that:

  • the message was sent by the platform
  • the message was not altered after being sent
  • it was rend to a specific endpoint of the subscription

How does it work?

The data flow is the following:

  1. Prerequisite: A Subscription is created via API with a secretCallbackKey. You may subscribe to any event type.
  2. The data/alarm/command event is generated. How the event is created and by which entity is irrelevant.
  3. If there is a Subscription with a secretCallbackKey for this event, the message will be signed and headers X-Sentilo-Content-Hmac and X-Sentilo-Date will be created.
  4. The external system receives the subscription and may check its authenticity using a same secretCallbackKey.

The system uses the SHA-512 algorithm. It accepts keys of any size, and produces a hash sequence of length 512 bits.

The target system should activate the security for callbacks when creates the subscription specifying the secret key (see more). This subscription

should be done using HTTPs protocol to avoid compromising the key.

After the subscription has been created, all the related requests will include two new headers, one with the hash (X-Sentilo-Content-Hmac) and another with the timestamp (X-Sentilo-Date), as the following sample shows:

X-Sentilo-Date: 10/06/2019T15:27:22

The responsibility of validating the headers will be always in the target system who is receiving the messages.

Code Samples

A simple NodeJS example that would check the authenticity of the message would be:

const crypto = require('crypto');

const message = '{"message":"26","timestamp":"03/12/2020T07:36:27","topic":"/data/TITAN/TITAN-S01","type":"DATA","sensor":"TITAN-S01","provider":"TITAN","time":1606980987614,"publisher":"TITAN","publishedAt":1606980987614,"publisherTenant":"","tenant":"","sender":"TITAN"}'
const endpoint = '';
const secretKey = 'my_super_secret_key';
const headerXSentiloDate = '03/12/2020T07:36:27';
const headerXSentiloContentHmacValue = 'elMiy5BDgDB68UVMonNDCc/BH8YrLWtCP6CdvlB4T//uI87JmMvx+epPUDy8E3Rg4UC2Bm21n4Zj/CLxOEcEZA==';

// Step 1 - hash the message and finally base64
let md5body = crypto.createHash('md5').update(message).digest('base64');

// Step 2 - concatenate all the necessary values
let values = ['POST', md5body, 'application/json', headerXSentiloDate, endpoint];
let contentToSign = values.join('\n');

// Step 3 - HMAC and and finally base64
let hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha512', secretKey);
let result = hmac.digest('base64')

// Finally compare with the X-Sentilo-Content-Hmac header
console.log(result == headerXSentiloContentHmacValue);

Alternatively, another validation example in Java:

import javax.crypto.Mac;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacAlgorithms;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacUtils;

public class HmacHeaderExample {

  public static void main(final String[] args) {

    // incoming message
    final String body =
    // You're on this endpoint
    final String endpoint = "";
    // Same secret key as the secretCallbackKey in the subscription
    final String secretKey = "my_super_secret_key";
    // Value of X-Sentilo-Date
    final String headerXSentiloDate = "03/12/2020T07:36:27";
    // Value of X-Sentilo-Content-Hmac
    final String headerXSentiloContentHmacValue = "elMiy5BDgDB68UVMonNDCc/BH8YrLWtCP6CdvlB4T//uI87JmMvx+epPUDy8E3Rg4UC2Bm21n4Zj/CLxOEcEZA==";

      // Step 1 - hash the message and finally base64
      final byte[] md5BodyDigest = DigestUtils.md5(body);
      final String md5Body = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(md5BodyDigest));
      // Result expected: cIQCRRWeo0yQQLS8rlOtLQ==

      // Step 2 - concatenate all the necessary values
      final String[] values = {"POST", md5Body, "application/json", headerXSentiloDate, endpoint};
      final String contentToSign = String.join("\n", values);
      // Result expected
      // POST
      // cIQCRRWeo0yQQLS8rlOtLQ==
      // application/json
      // 03/12/2020T07:36:27

      // Step 3 - HMAC and and finally base64
      final Mac mac = HmacUtils.getInitializedMac(HmacAlgorithms.HMAC_SHA_512, secretKey.getBytes());
      final byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(contentToSign.getBytes());
      final String signature = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(rawHmac));

      // Finally compare with the X-Sentilo-Content-Hmac header
