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Joelle Maslak's Resume

Continue to a generated version of my resume

Job Search Status

I am not currently looking for new employment. However, if you have a particularly exciting opportunity that you believe I might be interested in, I'm open to hearing about the opportunity.

About the Resume Generator

To compile the resume, you must have LaTeX installed with many other modules. I recommend the TeX-live distribution.

In addition, two commercial fonts were used, Adobe Jenson Pro and Acumin Pro, which are commercial and thus not included in this repository. To compile the resume, you will either need to legally obtain these fonts or modify the JTMresume.sty file to use fonts installed on your machine.

To build the resume on Linux, simply use make from the command line.

The resume generator will utilize the references.bib file for publication, patent, and conference information. This is a standard biblatex references file. On my machine, the makefile will regenerate this whenever my master reference file changes, but the generator is fully functional without that.

The reference file regeneration uses a custom script, to extract references from my master file (my master file contains references to docs I cite in other LaTeX documents beyond what is relevant to my resume). I use three tags: mypresentations, mypatent, and mypub in my master file to tag my own works. These tags are also referenced in the LaTeX sources. The dependencies for this extraction script are listed in requirements.txt and are installable via pip. Assuming you have pip installed, you can install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.

Unit tests of the Python code (to extract references) and do basic integration checks on the resume output can be run with make test. However, before you run the tests, ensure you've installed the test dependencies (in addition to the standard dependencies as described above), using pip install -r requirements-test.txt. Then you can run make test to verify the generation of the resume.

Finally, most of the text for the resume, beyond header information and dynamic content is located in the sections/ directory. The resume.tex file in the main directory is the master LaTeX file that references these files and the style class, JTMresume.sty.


I used Timmy Chan's excellent resume template as a starting point for my resume. I modified this template significantly to include patent, conference presentation, and publication information, as well as styling and functionality changes. The LaTeX code borrowed heavily from this template, although it was modified extensively.

All python and Makefile code was created by Joelle Maslak.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License - see the included LICENSE file or the summary at the Creative Commons site.

This is an attribution-required license, so you are welcome to incorporate this into your own works, but you are required to credit the creator of the template this is based upon, Timmy Chan, and also Joelle Maslak for her changes to these templates.


Joelle Maslak's public resume







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