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SDN Low-Cost Testbed For Saving Energy Applicationin Data Center Networks (ElasticTree)

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GreenSDN project : Create a plug and play application implementing ElasticTree

Reporsitory Organisation

mininet-simulation folder:

  • app : external application using the API REST of ONOS. This is the logical module of the ElasticTree application.

    • : to build graph of the current topology based on ONOS info
    • : to create single default path between every host in the network
    • : to compute the number of switches needed in each layer in order to satisfy traffic and save energy
    • : basic functions
    • : main function (deamon)
    • deviceList : folder to store the list of devices for 4 and 4 degree fattre
    • ruleTempalte: folder to store json template of flow rules
  • : Python file to create virtual SDN network connected to ONOS controller (fat-tree topology) using mininet. The topology is k-fattree (4 or 8 degree)

Pi-simulation folder:

  • app : external application using the API REST of ONOS. This is the logical module of the ElasticTree application.

    • : to build graph of the current topology based on ONOS info
    • : to create single default path between every host in the network
    • : to compute the number of switches needed in each layer in order to satisfy traffic and save energy
    • : basic functions
    • : to monitor the power of Raspberry-Pis switches according to the number of switches needed
    • : main function (deamon)
    • deviceList : folder to store the list of devices for our special fattre
    • ruleTempalte: folder to store json template of flow rules
  • scriptsSSH_pi : scripts to simplify the management of Raspberry-pi

    • pyhton script used in the power manager Raspberry-Pi to control the relay using GPIO
    • to read the power consumed by the tower of Raspberry-Pis through ePDUs
    • runall_background: to send a bash command to every Raspberry-Pi (list stored in list.switch) using ssh


ONOS requirements

  • git
  • zip
  • curl
  • unzip
  • python 2.7
  • python 3 (needed by Bazel)
  • Bazel (minimum version : 0.27.0)


Python ElasticTree app requirements

  • pip (package management)
  • Python packages :
    • networkx
    • matplolib
    • request
    • json

Command: ~$ pip install package

Clone the repository

~$ git clone

Run the appliction

  1. Run ONOS controller and check default application


    ~$ cd onos
    ~/onos$ bazel run onos-local -- clean debugm

    Check apps:

    ~/onos$ ./tools/test/bin/onos localhost
    onosCLI@root > apps -a -s
    *   9 org.onosproject.hostprovider         2.2.0.SNAPSHOT Host Location Provider
    *  16 org.onosproject.optical-model        2.2.0.SNAPSHOT Optical Network Model
    *  38 org.onosproject.drivers              2.2.0.SNAPSHOT Default Drivers
    *  65 org.onosproject.lldpprovider         2.2.0.SNAPSHOT LLDP Link Provider
    *  66 org.onosproject.openflow-base        2.2.0.SNAPSHOT OpenFlow Base Provider
    *  67 org.onosproject.openflow             2.2.0.SNAPSHOT OpenFlow Provider Suite
    *  94 org.onosproject.gui2                 2.2.0.SNAPSHOT ONOS GUI2

    If the list is not like this one, please add missing app with the following command:

    app activate <app name>
  2. Run CLI and activate some onos application

    ~/onos$ ./tools/test/bin/onos localhost
    onosCLI@root > app activate proxyarp 
    onosCLI@root > app activate fwd

    (proxyarp : for default path algo, fwd : for the host discovery - will be deactivated later)

/!\ WARNING Without proxyarp default paths are not working

Mininet simulation

  1. Create network (mininet) 4 or 8 degree (k) and pingall

    ~$ cd GreenSDN/mininet-simulation/ 
    ~/GreenSDN/mininet-simulation$ sudo python <k> <traffic|notraffic>
    mininet > pingall

    Example (4-fat-tree and no traffic generated) :

    ~/GreenSDN/mininet-simulation$ sudo python 4 notraffic
  2. Deactivate forwarding ONOS app using ONOS CLI

    onosCLI@root > app deactivate fwd 
  3. Create default path

    ~$ cd GreenSDN/mininet-simulation/app/ 
    ~/GreenSDN/mininet-simulation/app$ python <k>
  4. Run ElasticTree algo

    ~$ cd GreenSDN/mininet-simulation/app/
    python <k>

Pi simulation

  1. Pingall from the computer 1

    root@compute1~$ ./pingall
  2. Deactivate forwarding ONOS app using ONOS CLI

    onosCLI@root > app deactivate fwd 
  3. Create default path

    ~$ cd GreenSDN/pi-simulation/app/ 
    ~/GreenSDN/pi-simulation/app$ python
  4. Run ElasticTree algo

    ~$ cd GreenSDN/pi-simulation/app/

Network topology

Fat-tree topology

Network IP adresses

IP networks in a k=4 fat-tree topology. The idea is the following : to create different sub-network depinding the position in the fat-tree topology. We decided to use as network address. Then, each POD sub-network is identify throught the 8 following bits. The POD p is using the 10.p.0.0/16 network IP address. The next 8 bits are used to specify the number of the edge switch in the current POD, the IP address of this sub-network is : 10.p.e.0/24. Finally, the last 8 bits are used by the number of the host connected to the edge switch e: 10.p.e.h

Markdown png

Network default-path

Flow rules for downward traffic match the IP destination and send the traffic to the corresponding port. Every layer of switches only matches a certain number of bits of the IP address, this number corresponds to the netmask of the following sub-net. The upward traffic is defined by: traffic that goes outside of the current sub-network. Here, only the source IP is used to balance the traffic on every links available. Once again, netmasks are used to reduced the number on flow rules.

/!\ WARNING Higher priority (high number) matches FIRST

Network Pi-tower

Markdown png Markdown png


SDN Low-Cost Testbed For Saving Energy Applicationin Data Center Networks (ElasticTree)







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