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npm install -g @jmcanterafonseca-iota/iotax


On the command line just run iotax


iotax [command]

  iotax did      DID operations
  iotax vc       VC  Operations
  iotax channel  IOTA Streams Anchoring Channel operations
  iotax msg      Tangle message (indexation payloads) operations

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Mainnet                                              [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA testnet                                               [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]


iotax did

DID Operations

  iotax did create   DID Creation
  iotax did resolve  DID Resolution

  --version   Show version number                                      [boolean]
  --mainnet   IOTA Mainnet                                             [boolean]
  --testnet   IOTA testnet                                              [boolean]
  --comnet    IOTA Comnet                                              [boolean]
  --net, -n   Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help      Show help                                                [boolean]

DID Creation

iotax did create

DID Creation

  --version     Show version number                                      [boolean]
  --mainnet     IOTA Mainnet                                             [boolean]
  --testnet     IOTA testnet                                              [boolean]
  --comnet      IOTA Comnet                                              [boolean]
  --net, -n     Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help        Show help                                                [boolean]
  --didService  List of DID services (JSON Array)                        [string]

DID Resolution

iotax did resolve

DID Resolution

  --version   Show version number                                      [boolean]
  --mainnet   IOTA Mainnet                                             [boolean]
  --testnet   IOTA testnet                                              [boolean]
  --comnet    IOTA Comnet                                              [boolean]
  --net, -n   Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help      Show help                                                [boolean]
  --did      DID to be resolved                              [string] [required]

Verifiable Credentials (VC)

iotax vc

Verifiable Credential operations

  iotax vc issue   VC issuance
  iotax vc verify  VC verification

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Mainnet                                              [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA testnet                                               [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --method   Verification Method                             [string] [required]

Issuing a VC

iotax vc issue

VC issuance

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Mainnet                                              [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA testnet                                               [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --method   Verification Method                             [string] [required]
  --issuer   DID of the issuer of the VC                     [string] [required]
  --expDate  Expiration Date                                 [string] [optional]
  --secret   Secret key of the issuer                        [string] [required]
  --subject  (D)ID of the subject of the VC                  [string] [required]
  --claims   Credential claim data (As a JSON Object)        [string] [required]
  --type     Credential type                                 [string] [required]
  --id       Credential id                                              [string]
  --json     Output the credential in JSON format ready for cyp        [boolean]

Verifying a VC or a VP

iotax vc verify

VC verification

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Mainnet                                              [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA testnet                                               [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --vc       Verifiable Credential to be verified (As JSON)  [string] [required]
  --vp       Verifiable Presentation to be verified (As JSON)  [string] [required]

Presenting a VC

iotax vc present

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA Chrysalis Testnet                                    [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet                                    [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --vc       VC to be presented                              [string] [required]
  --holder   Holder who presents the credential. By default is the credential
             subject                                                    [string]
  --method   Verification Method                             [string] [required]
  --secret   Secret key of the holder                        [string] [required]
  --id       Presentation id                                            [string]
  --type     Presentation type                                          [string]
  --json     Output the credential presentation in JSON format ready for cyp

Anchoring Channels

Anchoring Channels operations (Powered by IOTA Streams)

  iotax channel anchor  Anchors a message to an IOTA Streams Channel
  iotax channel fetch   Fetches one or more messages previously anchored to an
                        IOTA Streams Channel

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA Chrysalis Testnet                                    [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet                                    [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

Anchor message

iotax channel anchor

Anchors a message to an IOTA Streams Channel

  --version      Show version number                                   [boolean]
  --testnet      IOTA Chrysalis Testnet                                [boolean]
  --mainnet      IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet                                [boolean]
  --comnet       IOTA Comnet                                           [boolean]
  --net, -n       Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help         Show help                                             [boolean]
  --seed, -s     IOTA Streams Channel seed                              [string]
  --msg          (JSON) Message content to be anchored       [string] [required]
  --channel      ID of the Channel ('address:announceMsgID') to anchor the
                 message to                                             [string]
  --anchorageID  The anchorage point (message) ID to anchor the message to

Fetch message(s)

iotax channel fetch

Fetches one or more messages previously anchored to an IOTA Streams Channel

  --version      Show version number                                   [boolean]
  --testnet      IOTA Chrysalis Testnet                                [boolean]
  --mainnet      IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet                                [boolean]
  --comnet       IOTA Comnet                                           [boolean]
  --net, -n      Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                     [string]
  --help         Show help                                             [boolean]
  --seed, -s     IOTA Streams Channel seed                              [string]
  --channel      ID of the Channel ('address:announceMsgID') from which to fetch
                 the message                                            [string]
  --msgID        ID of the message to be fetched                        [string]
  --anchorageID  ID of the anchorage where the message(s) to be fetched are
                 anchored to                                            [string]

Tangle Messages

Tangle message (indexation payloads) operations

  iotax msg submit  Message (indexation payload) submission
  iotax msg get     Message retrieval

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA Chrysalis Testnet                                    [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet                                    [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                      [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

Submit a message (indexation payload)

iotax msg submit

Message (indexation payload) submission

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA Chrysalis Testnet                                    [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet                                    [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                      [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --msg      Message content to be submitted                 [string] [required]
  --index    Index for the message                           [string] [required]

Retrieve a message

iotax msg get

Message retrieval

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --testnet  IOTA Chrysalis Testnet                                    [boolean]
  --mainnet  IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet                                    [boolean]
  --comnet   IOTA Comnet                                               [boolean]
  --net, -n  Node's endpoint or other IOTA network                      [string]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --msgID    ID of the message to be retrieved               [string] [required]