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Shiny dashboard for GBIF biodiversity data in Poland


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Biodiversity Observations in Poland

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This dashboard allows anyone to explore the observation occurrences, in Poland, of diverse animals, plants and fungi.

You can select the desired organism using either its scientific or common (vernacular) name, and then showing the yearly distribution of observed individual, as well as the observation location on a map. There is also the capability of restricting observations to a specific range of years.

Each marker in the map displays a label on mouse over, and a short description of the observation (including an image, when available).

Source of information

Organism observations/occurrences

The data was originally obtained from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, by extracting all organism observations from Poland (until 2022-07-21)

The data contains 59,160 occurrences, including metadata in Darwin Core format, and is Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0


The images of the organisms used in the visualization, are obtained from the GBIF metadata linking to, which is the "... largest nature platform in the Netherlands and part of the Observation International Foundation ..." (from " > About Us > Mission"), and bear the copyright of their respective authors.

  • Note: The image URLs in the GBIF metadata (vide supra) might not include all the images that exist in the actual full reports. Only 7,746 reports have at least one image in the metadata (~13% of entries).

For those observations without an image in the GBIF metadata, I have used the Wikimedia Commons image at (Col pr, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Shiny application

Pre-processing of the data

In order to have a clean dataset for the visualization, I've decided to download the data up to a given date (2022-07-21) and do some pre-processing to have it ready for display in a dashboard.

From the downloaded ZIP file (selecting the one containing the Darwin Core metadata), I've used two files:

  • multimedia.txt: contains a list of the images associated with each observation

    • From this data, I've selected the gbifID and identifier columns, which contain (respectively), the GBIF ID and the URL for the image associated to that observation. The identifier column was renamed to img_url, and then for each observation, only the first image (after ordering by URL) was picked.
  • occurrence.txt: contains the records of each observation in Poland

    • From this data, I've selected the columns: gbifID, identifier, occurrenceID, eventDate, year, month, day, individualCount, countryCode, locality, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, kingdom, vernacularName, and scientificName

It was noted that, in the occurrence data, any given scientific name can have one or more common (vernacular) names, so, in order to standardize the nomenclature, I've collapsed all common names of a given scientific name into a string, using the "pipe" character (" | ") as separator. A new column (org_name) was composed using the pattern scientificName / vernacularName, which would allow for free text search by either type of name.

Also, the occurrence data was augmented with the img_url column, and appropriate columns for use with marker labels (str_lbl) and pop-ups (popup_lbl) were generated using the other existing fields.

There is a shell script ( that executes the appropriate R code (in preproc-data.R), which generates two datasets:

  • data/pl_data.rds: the selected observations for Poland
  • data/species_names.rds: an equivalency table between scientific and common names for the organisms.

Organization of the application

The Shiny app is composed of three main files:

  • global.R: loads the appropriate libraries, datasets and prepares some global variables
  • ui.R: defines the overall dashboard structure
    • This makes use of the gbifUI() function defined in the module R/mod_gbif.R
      • The UI includes:
        • A Selectize-based search widget that allows for free text search and selection
        • A range slider that can be used to filter by a given year range
        • A bar plot showing the number of individuals observed per year
        • A map showing the locations of the observations, clustering nearby observations so as to not clutter the visualization.
          • The map has, by default, CartoDB.Positron tiles which are a bit subdued, with the possibility of selecting a more detailed set of tiles: OpenStreetMap
          • Also, the map is purposedly limiting the zoom to level 6, which is about country level, to avoid users zooming out too far.
    • On the sidebar there are three tabs/sections:
      • The dashboard visualization
      • A short "about" page
      • Information about the sources of the data and images.
  • server.R: the processing logic for the Application
    • This makes use of the gbifServer() function defined in the module R/mod_gbif.R
      • The aforementioned function, takes care of:
        • Updating the list of options used in the Selectize-based widget
        • Obtaining the appropriate input values
        • In response to the input, updating the bar plot and the markers in the map

The plotting functions used by the module mentioned above, are defined in R/barplot_by_sciname.R and R/plot_org_map.R

Reactive graph of the application (simplified)

Below is a simplified view of the several reactive pieces used in this visualization (generated using the Mermaid diagram language)

graph LR
  SBN[search_by_name <br/> <i>Input</i>] --> ON{org_name <br/> <i>Variable</i>}
  PL(pl_df <br/> <i>Dataset</i>) --> DF{plot_df <br/> <i>Dataset</i>}
  RY[range_years <br/> <i>Input</i>] --> FY{from_yr <br/> <i>Variable</i>}
  RY --> TY{to_yr <br/> <i>Variable</i>}
  FY --> DF
  TY --> DF
  DF --> BP>bar_plot <br/> <i>Chart</i>]
  DF --> MAP>org_map <br/> <i>Map</i>]
  SBN --> BPT>bar_plot_title <br/> <i>Text</i>]
  NDF(names_df <br/> <i>Dataset</i>) --> SCI{sci_name <br/> <i>Variable</i>}
  ON --> SCI
  SCI --> DF
  NDF --> SBN
  PL --> RY

  classDef src fill:#90ee90
  classDef inp fill:#c0c0c0
  classDef out fill:#f0e68c

  class PL,NDF src
  class RY,SBN inp
  class BP,MAP,BPT out


graph LR
  A(Source) --> B[Input]
  B --> C{Reactive <br/> expression}
  C --> D>Output]

  classDef src fill:#90ee90
  classDef inp fill:#c0c0c0
  classDef out fill:#f0e68c

  class A src
  class B inp
  class D out

Unit tests of the code

I've used testthat (not in package mode) to test for the succesful creation of a plotly (bar plot) and leaflet (map) objects, including checking that they contain data.

The script used to run the tests is: run-tests.R and the indiviual tests are in tests/test-barplot_by_sciname.R and test-plot_org_map.R

Application deployment

Provisioning of an AWS EC2 instance

I decided to deploy the application on an EC2 instance on AWS, with the followng characteristics:

  • Instance type: t2.micro
  • Instance storage: 12 GB SSD
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04LTS
  • Open incoming ports: 22, 80, 3838
  • Key: generated key pair (for SSH)
  • Dinamically assigned public IP (A.B.C.D)

Once the instance was up and running, I performed an upgrade of the installed system, and installed byobu. Finally I set byobu (a teminal multiplexer) to start on login:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install byobu
$ byobu-enable

After this, I restarted the instance, and made note of the new assigned IP and name, which will be used in the rest of the configuration.

Installation of R and R packages

For installation of R and the needed packages, I used Dirk Eddelbuettel's r2u project (, which makes it simpler to install R and packages (including upgrades), even in small server instances like the one I am using.

Below is a simplified version of the process:

$ sudo apt install r-base wget
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo su

# R
> install.packages(c("tidyverse", "leaflet", "glue", "scales", "leaflet", "plotly", "shiny", "shinydashboard", "shinydashboardPlus"))
> q()
# exit

Installation of the shiny server

I use the Open Source version of the RStudio Shiny Server

$ sudo apt install gdebi-core
$ wget
$ sudo gdebi shiny-server-

After this step, I verified that the Shiny server was running on port 3838, by going to http://A.B.C.D:3838 (where A.B.C.D is the AWS dinamically assigned IP)

I planned to put the code for the Shiny App in /srv/shiny-server/biodiversity-dashboard/

Installation and configuration of Nginx

I decided to use nginx for reverse-proxying the Shiny server:


$ sudo apt install nginx


(a) Set Websocket reverse proxy support: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

        # Connection for WebSocket reverse proxy
        map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
                default upgrade;
                ''      close;

(b) Default site: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

server {
    # listen 80 means the Nginx server listens on the 80 port.
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3838/biodiversity-dashboard/;
        proxy_redirect http://localhost:3838/ $scheme://$host/;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
        proxy_read_timeout 20d;
        proxy_buffering off;

Deploying the code

I've created two scripts:

  • A local one ( which packs all the relevant assets into a ZIP file, then copies the resulting archive (using scp) to the AWS instance, and finally opens an ssh session to the server.

  • Another script in the server ( that I can run manually, that:

    • Unzips the archive in the corresponding path (/srv/shiny-server/biodiversity-dashboard/)
    • Restarts the Shiny server
    • Restarts Nginx

This repository contains a template for one of the scripts deploy-app.sh_template, which needs to be edited to include the appropriate credentials and server IP/name.

The script is also included for simplicity.

Assigning a domain to the biodiversity dashboard

I made use of one of my domains (, and CloudFlare to give a nicer name to the AWS server instance:

  • Assigned the CloudFlare DNS servers for the domain
  • In CloudFlare
    • Mapped using CNAME ->
    • Set to:
      • Use flexlible SSL/TLS (between browser and CloudFlare)
      • Always use HTTPS
      • Perform automatic HTTPS rewrites
      • Auto minify JS, CSS, HTML
      • Use brotli compression

Possible future enhancements

Here are some enhancements/ideas to improve this visualization

  • Add a way of filtering observations by the number of individuals observed: This could help people interested in, for example, migratory birds that might be observed in medium to large groups vs the occasional single individual observations.

  • Normalize the scientific names: Usually the organism names follow the pattern "{species/variety name} ({taxonomist}, {year})", but some of the names in the dataset lack parentheses or do not follow fully this pattern.

  • Use region selections in the bar plot to filter for observations in the map: This will simplify the visualization and will no longer require the use of a range slider selector.

  • Store the whole dataset (currently ~70GB uncompressed) into a format allowing easy retrieval of data by country:

    • It could be done using a set of (arrow) parquet files partitioned by country and stored in S3, which could have undergone some simplification, normalization and augmentation to be ready for use in the visualization.
    • It will require adding a way of selecting a country, and then programatically loading the data on demand.
    • Note: tried to do something along these lines, but I gathered it will take more time (and money) than I have budgeted for this visualization, to set up something like that on AWS.


Shiny dashboard for GBIF biodiversity data in Poland







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