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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 25, 2019. It is now read-only.


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Note: This repository is being archived, as we've moved to Airflow: CityOfDetroit/etl-airflow is the new repo.


ETL repository for DoIT work.

ETL means extract-transform-load data across systems. For example, Department X manages their data in an Oracle database, we retrieve it and store a copy in our central PostgreSQL database, process it by cleaning values or joining multiple tables, and then publish data views to our open data portal for residents and other departments to easily consume.


Each ETL is made up of:

  • Process: a group of many datasets that rely on the same origin data; process/ subfolders in this repo match our PostgreSQL database schemas
  • Datasets: Individual tables and views within a process

Each process has four parts or steps:

  • 00_metadata: Describes the overall process; metadata/ contains dataset-level descriptions
  • 01_extract: Gets the source data
  • transform/: Cleans each dataset
  • load/: Puts each dataset online


Requires Python 3.5+ and preferably the Anaconda install.

pip install -r requirements.txt to install Python dependencies.

Copy sample.env to .env and add your secrets.


import etl
# load YMLs for a process
gl = etl.Process('project_greenlight')
# extract from sources
# transform (operations & sql)
# load to destinations


name: <Title that describes this process, eg 'DLBA datasets'>
schema: <Postgres schema, eg 'dlba'>


An array of data sources to be extracted.

Supported sources:

  • database from An Oracle or SQLServer database
  • salesforce from A Salesforce query
  • smartsheet from A Smartsheet
  • sftp from A SFTP server with .csv files
  • api for now specificially from An endpoint of open 311 data
  • airtable from An Airtable table within a base


  • googlesheet
- database:
    type: <oracle|sql-server>
    prefix: <Origin database prefix, eg tm for tidemark>
    source: <Origin table name, eg CASEMAIN>
    destination: <Postgres table name, eg bseed.casemain>
      - <Optional list of field names>
      - <If excluded, select *>

- salesforce:
    object: <SF object, eg Case>
    destination: <Postgres table name, eg dlba.account>
      - <Optional list of field names>
      - <If excluded, select *>

- smartsheet: 
    id: <Smartsheet id>
    table: <Postgres table name, eg mmcc>

- sftp:
    host: <Known SFTP host or domain name, eg novatus or moveit>
    destination: <Postgres table name, eg ocp.contracts>

- api:
    domain: <String that tells us which api, eg seeclickfix>
    destination: <Postgres table name, eg scf.issues>

- airtable:
  base: <Airtable base id>
  table: <Airtable table name, eg RFPs>
  destination: <Postgres table name, eg projects.rfp_attributes>


An array of steps to clean the data, which can include casting data types, geocoding addresses, scrubbing values, etc. These execute in order, think about them like steps in a recipe.

Supported options:

  • sql: execute a list of custom PostgreSQL statements
  • create_view: drops and creates a postgres view
  • create_table: drops and creates a postgres table
  • geocode: provide a table, address column, and geometry column
  • anonymize_geometry: provide a table and a base to compare against, eg the centerline
  • anonymize_text_location: provide a table, address column and set flag to keep track of which records have been anonymized
  • lookup: provide an external table, lookup and replace values (specific to pubsafe/cad right now)


  • join?
- type: sql
    - <drop view if exists...>
    - <create view...>

- type: geocode
  table: <Postgres table or view, eg bseed.mmcc>
  add_col: <Existing address field>
  geom_col: <Geometry field name to be created>

- type: anonymize_geometry
  table: <Postgres table or view, eg rms_update>
  against: <Postgres table, eg base.centerline>

- type: anonymize_text_location
  table: <Postgres table or view, eg rms_update>
  column: <Existing address field>
  set_flag: <Bool>


An array of destinations to publish the data to.

Supported destinations:

  • Socrata: A Socrata dataset
  • ArcGIS Online: An ArcGIS Online feature layer
  • SFTP: Drop a .csv on a SFTP server
  • Mapbox: A Mapbox tileset
- to: Socrata
  id: <Socrata 4x4; if blank, create new dataset> 
  name: <Dataset title>
  table: <Postgres view to load the data from, eg bseed.annual_inspections_socrata>
  method: <replace|upsert>
  row_identifier: <Field name, optional>
    <Human-readable name>:
      field: <Field name in postgres view>
      type: <Socrata data type>

- to: ArcGIS Online
  id: <AGO id; if blank, create new layer>
  file: <Filename>
  table: <Postgres view to load the data from, eg fire.angels_night_ago>

- to: SFTP
  host: <Known SFTP host or domain name, eg crimescape>
  file: <Filename, eg /tmp/abc.csv>

- to: Mapbox
  name: <Name of dataset, eg BSEED All Permits>
  table: <Postgres table or view to load the data from, eg bseed.all_permits_mapbox>
  tileset: <Name of tileset on Mapbox, eg parcels_with_lots_of_permits>

Scheduling jobs

We define jobs in using Schedule.

Schedule a new process like this:, process='bseed', notify=True)

Wnen notify is true, we send success or error messages to Slack's #z_etl.


ETL repository for DoIT work






No releases published
