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Human Computer Interaction. Group project. Sudoku game for Android.

Team 19

Forster Barnes, Stephen Burris, David Devore, Jon LeMaster, Gabe Scott


Team 19 will be assessing the best way to incorporate classical user approaches to sudoku into a simple to use android application. Two to three competing UI designs for the application will be prototyped with emphasis on ease of use. After testing design ideas and choosing a general direction, specific elements of sudoku gameplay will be added. Popular strategies for solving sudoku puzzles on paper must be researched in order to develop the tools necessary for users to apply these strategies to puzzles within the app. Front end and UI development will be prototyped using a whiteboard or pencil and paper during team meetings, refined, and then implemented in Android Studio. The back end game functionality will be programmed in Java. Back end work will begin with the basics of solving externally generated puzzles and if time allows progress toward the possibility of creating an in-house puzzle solver and generator. Both the front and back end will be designed with function scalability and difficulty adjustment in mind. All group work will be kept and controlled through a private Github repository.

The project work has been divided into the four categories of documentation, UI design and testing, back end development, and research and incorporation. As the focus of this project is on user interaction, emphasis will be placed on UI development and testing with user feedback. Mr. Barnes will lead the documentation and general project management logistics. Mr. Burris and Mr. Devore will head up the UI design and measuring user feedback. Mr. LeMaster will spearhead the back end game development and functionality. Mr. Scott will take charge of researching sudoku strategies and incorporating them into the UI. All of these roles are intended to overlap and their respective tasks will be done in collaboration with all other team members.

User Persona

Primary User: Lover of Puzzles


Loves Puzzles

Wants an engaging or challenging hobby

Has any level of education, probably skews higher

Male or female, but player pool probably skews slightly male

Any age, probably skews older

Has a decent size attention span and level of focus


Easy Use

Accessibility features (zoom, colorblind correction,etc.)

Helpful hints/tools

Incorporation of classical sudoku strategies

Secondary User: Test Subjects



Anti-User: Not interested in our app


Does not love puzzles/math


Higher level of engagement

Lower difficulty


Phone Use (Primary):

Use Environment: Places where it is convenient to use a smart phone


Dark mode/light mode

Save/Continue function


Difficulty settings

Link across devices

Accessibility/phone optimized interface


User must be able to pick up and play and save a puzzle to continue later

User will place in a variety of environments and lighting conditions

Tablet Use (Secondary):

Use Environment: At a desk, on a couch, in a hammock, or other stationary place indoors or outdoors



User Tasks/Activities

Select/Add numbers to tiles

Remove/Change numbers in tiles

Card Sorting

Priority Hierarchy

Task Categories

Semantic Networks

Pair Task Categories with Underlying Concepts/Goals


Cognitive Walkthroughs

Use Cases & Storyboarding with Mockups/Adobe XD


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