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File metadata and controls

74 lines (59 loc) · 4.77 KB


.. py:function:: GWDALI.GWDALI(Detection_Dict, FreeParams, detectors, approximant='TaylorF2', fmin=1, fmax=1.e4, fsize=3000, dali_method='Fisher_Sampling', sampler_method='nestle', new_priors = None, save_fisher=True, save_cov=True, plot_corner=True, save_samples=True, hide_info=False, index=1, rcond=1.e-4, diff_order=2, step_size=1.e-6, run_sampler=True, npoints=300)

        Return GW samples, Fisher and covariance matrix, parameters uncertainties, parameters recovered and signal to noise ratio (SNR).

        :param Detection_Dict: A dictionary of GW parameters;
        :param FreeParams: list of free parameters among the available ['m1', 'm2', 'RA', 'Dec', 'DL', 'inv_dL', 'ln_dL', 'iota', 'cos_iota', 'psi', 't_coal', 'phi_coal', 'sx1', 'sy1', 'sz1', 'sx2', 'sy2', 'sz2','S1','theta_1','phi_1','S2','theta_2','phi_2']
        :param detectors: list of dictionaries for each detector interferometer (for Einstein Telescope you need to specify its three interferometers configuration). Each detector dictionary needs to have the following keys:

                * ``name``: (str) The detector name for which the *Noise Power Spectral Density* will be chosen. Available detectors: ['aLIGO', 'aVirgo', 'KAGRA', 'ET', 'CE'];
                * ``lon``: (float) The detector longitude (degrees);
                * ``lon``: (float) The detector latitude (degrees);
                * ``rot``: (float) X-arm detector orientation starting from North-South direction (degrees);
                * ``shape``: (float) Opening angle between arms interferometer (degrees);

        :param approximant: GW approximant among the available ['Leading_Order', 'TaylorF2'_py, ...] (or another approximant provided by lal). To use the lal approximants you need to have installed `lal/lalsuite <>`_ in your machine.
        :param fmin: initial frequency value to the GW signal be evaluated.
        :param fmax: final frequency value to the GW signal be evaluated.
        :param fsize: number of frequency points.
        :param dali_method: DALI method [``'Fisher_Sampling'``, ``'Doublet'``, ``'Triplet'``, ``'Standard'``] or only ``'Fisher'`` for a simple numerical matrix inversion. The 'Standard' method use the complete GW likelihood (with no approximation).
        :param sampler_method: Method used for DALI (the same ones available in `bilby package <>`_)
        :param new_priors: Redefine your priors
        :param save_fisher: Save the Fisher Matrix in a file named 'Fisher_Matrix_<index>.txt' where ``index`` is the integer argument bellow
        :param save_cov: Save the Covariance Matrix in a file named 'Covariance_<index>.txt'.
        :param plot_corner: Make a corner plot when using DALI methods.
        :param save_samples: Save GW samples in a file named 'samples_<index>.txt' where each column correspond to the samples of one free parameter specified above;
        :param hide_info: Hide software outputs in the screen.
        :param index: Integer argument used in the saved .txt files.
        :param rcond: Same as rcond in `numpy.linalg.pinv <>`_;
        :param diff_order: (Avalible 2 or 4) Numerical derivative precision, e.g. for a given step h, if diff_orde=2 the uncertainty is of order :math:`h^3`, if diff_order=4 the uncertainty is of order :math:`h^5`;
        :param step_size: Relative step size in the numerical derivative, i.e., dx = max( step_size, step_size*x ) where x is some parameter value;
        :param npoints: Same as npoints, nsteps, nwalkers in `bilby package <>`_;

        :type Detection_Dict: dict
        :type FreeParams: list
        :type detectors: list
        :type approximant: str
        :type fmin: float
        :type fmax: float
        :type fsize: float
        :type dali_method: str
        :type sampler_method: str
        :type new_priors: dict
        :type save_fisher: bool
        :type save_cov: bool
        :type plot_corner: bool
        :type save_samples: bool
        :type hide_info: bool
        :type index: int
        :type rcond: float
        :type diff_order: int
        :type step_size: float
        :type npoints: int

        :return: Return a dictionary with the following keys

                - ``Samples``: array_like with shape (len(FreeParams) , number of samples points)

                - ``Fisher``: array_like with shape (len(FreeParams),len(FreeParams))

                - ``CovFisher``: array_like with shape (len(FreeParams),len(FreeParams))

                - ``Covariance``: array_like with shape (len(FreeParams),len(FreeParams))

                - ``Recovery``: list of recovered parameters (when using DALI methods)

                - ``Error``: list of parameters uncertainties (Confidence Level = 60%)

                - ``SNR``: value of the GW source signal to noise ratio (float)

                - ``Tensors``: Arrays of DALI Tensors (e.g. for N free parameters we have: Fisher[dim= :math:`N^2`], Doublet12 [dim= :math:`N^3`], Doublet22 [dim= :math:`N^4`], Triplet13 [dim= :math:`N^4`] , Triplet23 [dim= :math:`N^5`], Triplet33 [dim= :math:`N^6`] )