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Jason Nguyen edited this page May 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

You need a single dynamic library named You might have been instructed to create two shared library files à la and in earlier renditions of the assignment. If you have not already combined these two libraries into one with the advent of A3, do so now and call the resultant library

Installation is as follows:

  1. Place into the lib folder.
  2. Run the Makefile to run the respective harness as follows:
    • make run1A1harness—the createCalendar() parsing test
    • make run2A2m1harness—the createCalendar() + writeCalendar() filewriting test
    • make run3A2m2harness—the validateCalendar() object validation test
    • make run4A2m2harnessv—the validateCalendar() error collision vulnerability test
    • make clean — removes all object files and executable files created during building of the harness

You may add v at the end of any of the make run commands in order to run the respective test with valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes. Example: make run3v

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