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Point Text Helper

"Point Text" Helper for ThreeJS

Thousand of tiny texts (labels) in one draw call.

Stress test with "vanilla" js (module). 31 436 texts.




npm i @jniac/three-point-text-helper

Or plain JS, using github pages hosting:

import { PointTextHelper } from ''


import * as THREE from 'three'
import { PointTextHelper } from '@jniac/three-point-text-helper'

//- snip -//

const pth = new PointTextHelper({ charMax:10 })

// display some text
pth.display({ text:'hello!',  color:'cyan' })
pth.display({ text:'top',     color:'cyan', size:.5, position:new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0) })
pth.display({ text:'bottom',  color:'cyan', size:.5, position:{ x:0, y:-1, z:0 } })

// or, from a mesh...
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(
  new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry(1, 0),
  new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color:'cyan', wireframe:true }),

// ...display an array of vertices:

// ...or a "position" buffer:
// (be aware that in buffer geometries, vertices are most often duplicated)
const geometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(1.4, 12, 24)
pth.displayVertices(geometry.getAttribute('position').array, {
  color: '#fc9',
  size: .3,
  format: index => `#${index}`,

"dev" mode & examples

from a local repository, 2 process:

  • run the library itself + static server
npm run dev

It will watch over any changes into the src folder, and re-build if any. http://localhost:8000

For the "vanilla" js examples, this is enough: http://localhost:8000/tests/examples-vanilla/triangle/

  • but for the webpack examples, one may start the webpack service:
npm run examples-webpack


npx rollup -c