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=== Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media) ===
Contributors: socialdude
Donate link:
Tags: social media, social media icons, social media buttons, social media sharing, floating social media, social media icon, social media button, sharing icons, sharing, sharing buttons, social media widget, socialmedia, social media pop-up, social, social icons, icon, icons, buttons, facebook icon, twitter icon, instagram, instagram icon, counter, facebook, facebook like, like, tweet, tweet button, buttons, tweet icon, youtube, youtube icon, linkedin, linkedin icon, logos, follow, social profiles, social media accounts, social share
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 1.2.8
License: GPLv2 
License URI:

Easy to use and 100% FREE social media plugin which adds social media icons to your website with tons of customization features!    

== Description ==

Social media plugin which let's you add icons for RSS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, "Share" (covering 200+ other social media platforms) and upload custom icons of your choice. 

The social media plugin offers a wide range of options, for example you can: 

- Pick from 16 different designs for your social media icons
- Give several actions to one social media icon (e.g. your facebook icon can lead visitors to your Facebook page, and also give visitors the opportunity to like your page)
- Decide to give your social media icons an animation (e.g. automatic shuffling, mouse-over effects) to make your visitors aware of them, increasing the chance that they follow/share your blog
- Make your social media icons "float" or "sticky"
- Allow visitors to subscribe to your blog by Email 
- Add "counts" to your social media icons
- Decide to display a pop-up (on all or only on selected pages) asking people to follow/share you via your social media icons
- Decide to display sharing-buttons and social media icons at the end of every post
- Select from many other customization features for your social media icons!

The social media plugin is very easy to use as it takes you through all the steps: 

- Step 1: Choose which social media icons you want to display
- Step 2: Define what actions your social media icons should perform
- Step 3: Pick design & animation options for your social media icons
- Step 4: Add counts to your social media icons (optional)
- Step 5: Select from various other options, e.g. make your social media icons "float"
- Step 6: Add sharing/linking icons next to each blog post (optional)
- Step 7: Add a customized pop-up asking people to follow/share (optional)
- Step 8: Add a subscription form on your site (optional)

In case of issues please check the FAQ on

We hope you enjoy the social media plugin! 

**Want to get alerted if a new plugin version has been released?** Subscribe here

== Installation ==
Extract the zip file and drop the contents into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation. Then activate the plugin from the plugins page.

Then go to plugin settings page and follow the instructions. After you're done, go to the Widget area (Appearance >> Widget) and place the widget on your sidebar to display your your icons on your blog.

Note: This plugin requires CURL to be activated/installed on your server (which should be the standard case), and a PHP version of 5.4 or above. If you don't have it, please contact your hosting provider or server admin.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Please check out the FAQ on  

== Screenshots ==

1. After installing the plugin, you'll see this overview. You'll be taken through the easy-to-understand steps to configure your plugin 

2. As a first step you select which icons you want to display on your website

3. Then you'll define what the icons should do (they can perform several actions, e.g. lead users to your facebook page, or allow them to share your content on their facebook page)

4. You can pick from a wide range of icon designs

5. Here you can animate your icons (automatic shuffling, mouse-over effects etc.), to make visitors of your site aware that they can share, follow & like your site

6. You can choose to display counts next to your icons (e.g. number of Twitter-followers)

7. There are many more options to choose from 

8. You can also add share-icons at the end of every post 

9. ...or even display a pop-up (designed to your liking) which asks users to like & share your site

== Changelog ==

= 1.2.8 =
* New feature: Users can now decide where exactly the floating icons will display
* Internal links corrected
* Fixed: Targets only labels within the social icons div.
* Subscriber counts fixed
* Apostrophe issues fixed
* Conflicts with Yoast SEO plugin resolved
* PHP errors fixed

= 1.2.7 =
* Count issues fixed - please upgrade!
* Style constructor updated to PHP 5
* Text adjustments in admin area

= 1.2.6 =
* (Minor) compatibility issues with Wordpress 4.3. fixed

= 1.2.5 =
* Updating process fixed

= 1.2.4 =
* New question 8 added: you can now also add a subscription form to your site

= 1.2.3 =
* More explanations added how to fix if counts don't work
* Icon files are compressed now for faster loading - thank you!
* A typo in the code threw an error message in certain cases, this is fixed now

= 1.2.2 =
* jQuery issues fixed
* Vulnerability issues fixed
* Twitter-button didn't get displayed in full sometimes, this is fixed now
* CSS issues (occurred on some templates) fixed
* Facebook updated API (so counts didn't get displayed correctly anymore), we updated the plugin accordingly

= 1.2.1 =
* Template-specific issues fixed
* Layout in admin-area optimized
* Sometimes title didn't get rendered correctly, this is fixed now
* Youtube API changes also updated in plugin
* Outdated (and vulnerable) JS library updated
* New options for placing icons after every post (under question 6) 

= 1.2.0 =
* Links with "@" in the url (e.g. as in Flickr-links) now get recognized as well
* Alignment issues of icons in tooltip fixed
* Layout optimizations in plugin area
* Users can now select to have the number of likes of their facebook page displayed as counts of the facebook icon on their blogs
* Typos in admin area corrected

= =
* Vulnerabilities (AJAX) fixed 
* OG-issues (caused in conjunction with other plugins) fixed

= =
* Conflicts with Yoast SEO plugin sorted
* Performance optimized
* Facebook sharing text issues fixed
* Sometimes facebook share count didn't increase despite liking it, this should be fixed now (to be observed) 
* When sharing from a Facebook business page it returned errors, this should be fixed now (to be observed) 
* Share-box only displayed partly sometimes, fixed now
* Template CSS conflicts solved in the plugin
* Adding of unwanted spans fixed

= =
* OG-issues fixed
* Text which gets shared sometimes didn't contain spaces, fixed now
* Plugin name in php file shortened
* More explanation texts added in admin area
* Facebook share window sometimes only got displayed partially, fixed now
* Other facebook share issues fixed
* Template CSS issues causing icons to be displayed not in one straight horizontal line fixed
* In some cases facebook counts didn't increase if liked, this should be fixed now
* Tested for up to Wordpress version 4.2.1.

= =
* Issues with custom icon upload & custom icon removal fixed
* Box asking for review didn't disappear in some cases, fixed now
* Some design issues with some CSS for icons after every post, fixed now
* Changes in text / guide in plugin
* Conflicts with YOAST SEO plugin sorted
* Conflicts with ADD MEDIA button and ADD LINK sorted
* In some cases activating the icons after every post the content disappeared, this is fixed now
* New option to center icons after posts
* In some cases if no widget was placed it said "Kindly go to settings page and check the option "show them via widget"" got displayed on the blog, this is fixed now
* G+ window disappeared sometimes after moving over it, fixed now
* LinkedIn icon disappeared after moving over it a few times, fixed now
* Several other CSS issues fixed
* Sometimes tooltips didn't appear, fixed now
* When plugin is activated some toggle functionality stopped working, fixed now
* Click on icons after posts now shares the post, not the blog page
* Several little design enhancements
* When user selected that icons should show floating in the bottom right they floated in the center right, fixed now
* Issues with Youtube direct follow fixed
* Number of Instagram followers not always got pulled correctly, fixed now
* When site loaded the widget sometimes overlapped with others, fixed now

= =
* Plugin's menu button now has less aggressive colors 
* Sometimes sharing via facebook returned error messages, this is fixed now
* Conflicts with WooTheme Whitelight resolved
* Occasional problems with https-sites previously, now compatibile 

= =
* The "counts" were not always correct, fixed now
* Conflicts with page editor resolved
* Last plugin update fixed Youtube points, however the "channel" was as default, set back to "username"
* Mouseover-text for social icons now correct
* Some layout adjustment in the admin area (menu-button will also be adjusted in next release)
* Setting order of icons sometimes didnt work properly when custom icons got uploaded, this is fixed now

= =
* jQuery updated, now most conflicts with other plugins should be resolved

= =
* Conflicts with several plugins sorted
* Icons can now be disabled on mobile
* Renaming of "Youtube Channel" to "Username" to avoid confusion
* On some templates there were alignment issues of the icons, this is fixed
* Menu button sub-menu removed (wasn't really necessary)
* Lightbox in admin area for custom icon upload shortened (was too large)
* Tags for all icons defined (for SEO purposes) 

= =
* If given only a "visit us"-function for the Twitter-icon, the is no tooltip anymore (like for the other icons)
* Sharing sometimes pulled an incorrect image, fixed now
* Pop-up now also has an "x" in the top right corner for people to close
* Sometimes icons overlapped, this is fixed now
* Several issues fixed when users put shortcode into the header
* Sometimes our request to ask users for feedback got displayed too early, this is fixed now
* Some youtube accounts don't have a username, but only a channel. To allow users to directly to subscribe to your youtube channel the plugin required a User ID, now a channel is possible too
* Several conflicts with other plugins resolved
* Some CSS issues fixed
* Steps 1., 2., 3. in the guide how to upload a custom icon were sometimes missing, this is fixed now
* Title removed now when using shortcodes
* Some error messages in developer tools not showing up anymore

= =
* Several CSS issues fixed

= =
* Shortcode now available too, so that you can place the icons wherever you want: Insert [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS]
* "Visit us"-option now also available for Twitter-users
* Description added for people helping to find their LinkedIn-ID
* Description added for people helping to generate their API-keys for Twitter, LInkedIn and G+ to display their counts automatically
* Design of pop-up for upload of custom icons changed, to better explain required steps
* "Icons per row" didn't work properly in specific cases, fixed now
* If user displayed counts for the icons, and picked the option "floating" and "bottom", the counts were sometimes not displayed because they moved too far down. This is fixed now. 

= =
* Previously custom icons got deleted if plugin was upgraded. This is fixed *from now on*. If you previously uploaded a custom icon, please do so (once) more. Sorry for the inconvenience.  
* Question #5 The "Sticking & Floating" -> "Where shall they float?" was storing the right value but showing the "Top - Left" always
* If the floating icons on the frontend had "counts" enabled for them, the counts for the last row of the icons were being cut-off on the screen if the "Bottom - Left" OR "Bottom - Right" was chosen as the display position 

= =
* Following user suggestions we made it easier to remove the credit link (if previously activated by user - otherwise it doesn't display)

= =
* Some servers don't display svg-images due to security issues, so we switched back to png
* Removed the comment line which may be  me causes the syntax error at the time of installation

= =
* In specific cases some share-icons were missing, this is fixed now
* Plugin sent error messages if user had developer mode active, this won't happen anymore

= =
* "Visit us" icons sometimes didn't get displayed in the backend, this is fixed now
* Also the design of the "Visit us"-icons on the front end has been improved
* If the email-delivery option is used, emails now get sent out much faster (central server gets pinged)
* Pop-up in some cases didn't get shown on inner pages, fixed now
* Some responsive adjustments for mobile
* Custom icons had some resizing issues, fixed now

= =
* If "Do you want to display icons at end of every post" is clicked there were some issues on mobile view, this is fixed now
* "Visit us"-icons in the tooltips were no vector-icons, which made them look fuzzy in some browsers, this is fixed now

= =
* On certain pages sometimes the youtube icon didnt show, this is fixed now
* Custom uploaded icons got a black background, this is fixed now
* In the admin panel the plugin conflicted (in rare cases) with other plugins, this is fixed 
* Pop-ups sometimes didn't disappear automatically, fixed now
* The tooltip for floating icons now gets displayed so that it is always visible

= =
* Several changes done to optimize display on mobile & tablets
* Issues with widget fixed (in rare cases the separating lines between widgets didnt get displayed correctly)
* Deletion of headline for widget works now
* Slight alignment issues of share- and like buttons at the end of blog posts corrected

= =
* Tooltip from share-option sometimes appeared some other strange places on the site, this is fixed now
* Extra checks added if user enters nonsense in the admin area
* Links to our review site added (please please give 5 stars)

= =
* In specific cases there were Javascript loading errors, that's fixed now
* Moving from the icons to the tooltips made the tooltips disappear sometimes, now they are "stickier"
* In specific cases the facebook-icon was displayed very small in the tooltip, fixed now

= =
* Corrected that when only the "visit us" function is selected, no tooltip is displayed

= 1.1 =
* Email-icon didn't get displayed for all design sets (on the website), this is fixed now
* Alignments of buttons in tooltips optimized
* Updated readme.txt

= 1.0 =
* First release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.2.8 =
Several enhancements and fixes - please upgrade!


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  • PHP 40.7%
  • JavaScript 30.8%
  • CSS 18.2%
  • HTML 10.3%