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LibreELEC Git Command status LibreELEC supported versions

This script installs Git within a Docker container on LibreELEC devices, enabling usage of git commands.

It is based on a forum post found in the thread Installation of git on Libreelec@LibreELEC Forum.


The installation script relies on the Kodi service addon Docker from Team LibreELEC to be installed on your Kodi system. If not already installed, this script automatically attempts to install the addon.

To install Git, simply execute the following command in your terminal:

curl -sSL | bash

You can also access the script directly here.

After installation, the git command will be readily available in your terminal!

Tested Devices

The script has been successfully tested on the following devices and LibreELEC versions:

Device Architecture LibreELEC Version
NUC7JYB x86_64 11.0.6 (Kodi 20.3), 10.0.2 (Kodi 19.4)
Raspberry Pi 3 arm 10.0.2 (Kodi 19.4)
Raspberry Pi 4 aarch64 11.95.1 (Kodi 21.0 RC1)

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and the script should function correctly on any device that runs LibreELEC and supports containers.


Contributions are welcomed! Feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

This project utilizes pre-commit to maintain code quality.

To set up pre-commit, install it using your preferred package manager and execute the following commands within the repository:

pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

This ensures that your code is linted and formatted before being committed.


Makes git command available on LibreELEC







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