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Simple React/Express app that show data from an IMDb dataset that is stored in Mongo collections. Express is used to create a RESTful API to return the information in those collections for React to display.

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IMDB React/Express App

Simple React/Express app that show data from an IMDb dataset that is stored in NoSQL Mongo collections. Express is used to create a RESTful API to return the information in those collections for React to display.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

  • React, React Scripts & React Dom:
  npm install --save react react-scripts react-dom
  • Express:
  npm install --save express
  npm install nodemon

Installing & Set Up

1. Insert Data into Mongo Collections

To do this you will need to naviate in a terminal to your mongodb/bin directory is. Once here type the following commands:

mongod --dirpathperdb --dbpath {your_path}\mongodb\data\db --logpath {your_path}\mongodb\log\mongo.log --logappend --rest --install
net start MongoDB

This should set your log and data path, then set MongoDB to start running in the background finally open up the mongo terminal. In the mongo terminal type the following commands:

use movieinfo

Finally you will need to copy the contents of (MovieReactApp/movie-app/format_data/actor_table.json) and (MovieReactApp/movie-app/format_data/movie_table.json) into the appropriate collections in mongo. Like so: {pasted movie_table.json} ); {pasted actor_table.json} );

This may take a minute because the JSON files are very large

2. Running the Project

Since this project uses both Express and React on different Ports you will to open two terminals to run each. The first terminal you will navigate to the rest-api directory and type the following command:


This will start the express server on port 3001. To check that the information is getting fetched successfully open a web browser and look up


Both should return the data from Mongo in JSON format. The second terminal you will need to naviate to the movie-app directory and run the command

npm start

This will start the React app on port 3000. To check if this worked type into a web browser


This should display the web application


Jeffrey Noehren


Simple React/Express app that show data from an IMDb dataset that is stored in Mongo collections. Express is used to create a RESTful API to return the information in those collections for React to display.






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