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HOOMD-blue benchmarks

This repository contains a number of performance benchmarks for HOOMD-blue. These are run on a variety of hardware and execution configurations and the results are stored in the repository. Jupyter notebooks summarize the results and the rendered notebook is checked in to the repository so that it can be viewed at Links to these benchmark results are posted on

Running benchmarks standalone

cd into a benchmark directory and run python It will print out performance information and overwrite a metadata.json file with the performance numbers and execution configuration metadata. Each benchmark should run in serial and MPI, though some may be too big for a single GPU's memory.

cd microsphere
mpirun -n 4 python

Recording results in the database

These scripts use signac to store benchmark runs in a database. See the job script files for various clusters and run configurations in the root of this repository for examples of how such runs are set up.

Benchmark setup

Each benchmark directory requires:

  1. An initial condition in a file
  2. A file that executes the benchmark.
  3. A file that describes the benchmark and cites the relevant research paper.
  4. An image showing off the research.

The initial condition should be an equilibrated state so that a short benchmark run is representative of typical steps performed in the research. The benchmark should also be at a system size studied in the research to represent it well, not artificially inflated in size. The image should be an attractive image that shows the research, it need not be exactly the system configuration in the benchmark (though it certainly can be). The image should not be identical to a published image, to avoid copyright issues.

Optionally, each benchmark may include:

  • Scripts that generate the image
  • Scripts that generate the initial condition
  • Other related files...

Each benchmark script should be a minimal and short as possible. Users will look at and possibly use items from these scripts. The benchmark should also be very understandable so readers will know exactly what is being benchmarked and all associated parameters, so that the run may be reproduced with other software if desired.

System size

Each benchmark is at a fixed system size which was relevant to the research performed. This means that all benchmarks in this repository are strong-scaling benchmarks. Weak scaling benchmarks are also of interest, but those will be stored in another repository with a different database format as they require a much different setup.

Run length and configuration

Each benchmark should run for no more than a few minutes to make it easy for users to run them. Each should also properly autotune kernel launch parameters before sampling performance and should set neighbor list parameters so that r_buff is tuned and there are no dangerous builds.


Each benchmark run is stored in a separate directory created and managed by signac. Each script should write out a metadata.json file with additional information, including the performance in particle-steps-per-second.

The state points variables for signac are:

  • benchmark: benchmark name (directory name).
  • cpu: name of the CPU processor the benchmark is executed on.
  • system: name of the system this benchmark is run on. Host name if it is an individual system, or the name of the cluster.
  • date: date the benchmark is executed date +%Y/%m/%d
  • name: an additional name to delineate multiple runs on the same cluster on the same day, not read or interpreted for analysis. For example, cpu16, gpu0, gpu1.

Additional information of interest, such as the GPU name, number of ranks, code version, etc... will be extracted from the metadata dump during analysis.


Benchmark scripts for HOOMD-blue







No releases published
