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Simple project developed during the Elixir track on the Rocketseat platform.

💻 Requirements

Before you begin, make sure you have met the following requirements:

  • You need the latest version of Elixir\Erlang on your machine.

If you need installation instructions, click here.

🚀 Installing Exlivery

To install Exlivery, follow these steps:

1º Clone the repository.

>  git clone

2º Navigate to the project folder.

>  cd rocketseat-exlivery/exlivery

3º Use the command below to download the dependencies.

>  mix deps.get

4º Use the command below to run the project.

>  iex -S mix

☕ Using Exlivery

To use Exlivery, follow these steps:

Creating a user and your application. (Age >=18)

>  Exlivery.start_agents()
>  {:ok, user} ="name", "email", age, "cpf", "address")

>  Exlivery.create_or_update_user(user)

Before creating my order I need to tell you what I want in this order.

(Possible Categories :pizza, :hamburguer, :carne, :prato_feito, :japonesa, :sobremesa.)

>  {:ok, item} ="description-item", category, "price-unity", "quantity")

Creating the order for my user.

>  Exlivery.create_or_update_order(%{user_cpf: "cpf", item: [item]})

Generating a report with my user information and their order.

( File name is optional. It is saved inside ./lib/generated-reports/name-report.csv)

>  Exlivery.Orders.Report.create("name-report.csv")

📫 Contributing to Exlivery

To contribute to Exlivery, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <nome_branch>.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Send to the original branch: git push origin Exlivery / <local>
  5. Create the pull request.

Alternatively, see the GitHub documentation at how to create a pull request..

🤝 Author and Contributors

We thank the following people who contributed to this project:

Foto do Joabe Henrique no GitHub
Joabe Henrique [Author]

😄 Be one of the contributors

Do you want to be part of this project? Click here and read how to contribute.

📝 License

This project is under license. See the license file for more details.


🚀 Project developed on the Rocketseat elixir track.







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