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PHP runner to interact with CPanel Git repositories


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About PHP CPanel

PHPCP is a PHP Symfony application to list and interact with CPanel Git repositories through the API.

Allows you to list available repositories in the CPanel account A website hosted in a CPanel server using the Git Version Control, this allows you to perform the manual operations for 'Pull or Deploy' in the CPanel Git repositories interface.



$ composer require phpcp/phpcp

When the package is installed, the bin phpcp is added to the composer's vendor/bin directory, you can run the application with php vendor/bin/phpcp.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp
PHP CPanel cli 0.0.1

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
Available commands:
  config         Print configurations
  file:download  [fetch] Download a CPanel file
  repo:deploy    [deploy] Deploy a CPanel repository
  repo:list      [repos] List CPanel repositories
  repo:pull      [pull] Pull a CPanel repository


The configurations are loaded using Yaml files and default values are gathered from environment variables.

You can see the current configuration by running the command config.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp config
    token: '${env.PHPCP_GITHUB_TOKEN}'
    user: '${env.PHPCP_GITHUB_USER}'
    repo: '${env.PHPCP_GITHUB_REPO}'
    token: '${env.PHPCP_CPANEL_TOKEN}'
    url: '${env.PHPCP_CPANEL_URL}'

Using Environment variables

The provided configurations are looking for environment variables. See below the used variables.

  • PHPCP_CPANEL_TOKEN - The CPanel username:password in base64 format
  • PHPCP_CPANEL_URL - The CPanel base url (i.e:
  • PHPCP_GITHUB_TOKEN - The GitHub API token (required when using option --git in command repo:list)
  • PHPCP_GITHUB_USER - The GitHub username (i.e: joaocsilva) (required when using option --git in command repo:list)
  • PHPCP_GITHUB_REPO - The GitHub repository (i.e: phpcp) (required when using option --git in command repo:list)

Using configuration file

PHPCP will search and load the following configuration files phpcp.yml.dist and phpcp.yml.

An example of configuration file to interact with CPanel only using static values.

    token: 'aBCF'
    url: ''

Using command options as configuration

When using a command option, the value defined in the configuration file is overridden.

CPanel related options

Used in commands: repos, pull, deploy

  • --cp-token - The CPanel auth token
  • --cp-base-url - The CPanel base url

GitHub related options

Use when option --git is used in commands: repos

  • --github-token - The GitHub API access token
  • --github-user - The GitHub username
  • --github-repo - The GitHub repository

Commands list

Command config

View all loaded configurations.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp config

View a specific configuration.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp config phpcp.cpanel.url

Command help

View command information, options, arguments and usages.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp help repo:list
  List CPanel repositories

  repo:list [options]
  repo:list --git
  repo:list --cp-token="aBcdef" --cp-base-url=""

  --git                        Check for branch HEAD commit hash in GitHub.
  --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN  The GitHub API access token
  --github-user=GITHUB-USER    The GitHub username, i.e: joaocsilva
  --github-repo=GITHUB-REPO    The GitHub repository, i.e: phpcp
  --cp-token=CP-TOKEN          The CPanel auth token, usually a base64 encode
  --cp-base-url=CP-BASE-URL    The CPanel base url, i.e:

View a specific configuration.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp config phpcp.cpanel.url

Command repo:list

List the available repositories that the current user has access to. It is the same list present in the CPanel interface for Git™ Version Control tool.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp repo:list

Command repo:pull

Perform the action to pull a repository in the CPanel interface Git™ Version Control>Pull or Deploy, button Update from Remote. This will pull the changes from the remote.

The command has a required parameter for the branch name to identify the repo.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp repo:pull master

Command repo:deploy

Perform the action to deploy a repository in the CPanel interface Git™ Version Control>Pull or Deploy, button Deploy HEAD Commit. This will trigger the CPanel deployment and execute the .cpanel file.

The command has a required argument for the branch name to identify the repo.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp repo:deploy master

Command file:download

Output a file content or to a file with option --output.

The command has a required arguments dir and file to specify the directory where the file is and the filename.

Print the composer.json content.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp file:download /home/user composer.json

Download the composer.json file to a file named remote-composer.json.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcp file:download /home/user composer.json --output=remote-composer.json

Local development

You can use docker to run the project locally.

The docker-compose.yml file contains the environment variables needs for the commands.


You can map these variables to your own env variables with.



# Start containers.
$ docker compose up -d
# Install composer dependencies..
$ docker compose exec web composer install
# Check if the phpcp is running.
$ docker compose exec web php phpcp
# List CPanel repositories.
$ docker compose exec web php phpcp repo:list


PHP runner to interact with CPanel Git repositories








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