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1st Ignite React Challenge

  • Add a new task ✏️
  • Remove a task 🗑
  • Mark and unmark a task as completed ✅

Tests specification

  • Should be able to add a task
  • Should not be able to add a task with an empty title
  • Should be able to remove a task
  • Should be able to check a task


function searchId(id: number) {
    let resultId = tasks.findIndex(task => {
      return == id;
    return resultId;

  function generateId() {
    let id = 0;
    const tasksLengh = tasks.length;

    if (tasksLengh > 0) {
      id = tasks[tasksLengh - 1].id + 1;
    return id;

  function handleCreateNewTask() {

    if (newTaskTitle) {
      const dado = { id: generateId(), title: newTaskTitle, isComplete: false };
      setTasks([...tasks, dado]);

  function handleToggleTaskCompletion(id: number) {
    // Altere entre `true` ou `false` o campo `isComplete` de uma task com dado ID
    let updatedTasks = [...tasks];
    const index = searchId(id);
    updatedTasks[index].isComplete = !updatedTasks[index].isComplete;


  function handleRemoveTask(id: number) {
    // Remova uma task da listagem pelo ID
    let updatedTasks = [...tasks];
    const index = searchId(id);
    updatedTasks.splice(index, index + 1);