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An kanban board made with React and Typescript, see live here

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About the project

Taskei screenshot

Development Roadmap

The main idea was to build a simple kanban board where you can add move and delete tasks

Project features:

  • Routing between Home page and the application board
  • The pre created column stacks with a form to add new tasks
  • Draggable tasks and its button to delete
  • Every task are persisted after created
  • Responsive layout and mobile support to drag and drop

For stylize was decided to use node-sass because it's easy to start using and have good features like variables and selectors nesting, there is a home page with a simple presentation about the project and was used react-router-dom to handle the access between the board page.

The fun part

State actions:

a useReducer was used to handle all the possible tasks actions as add, move and remove, the reducer was created on /tasks router component (the top level directory) there is rendered the <DragDropContext />, <Stack /> and <Task /> to make the life easier calling the reducer dispatch was created an object of functions called actions and passed it as props to the components. For example the <Stack /> component (the column of tasks) has a form to add tasks, to handle it we just have to call the props.actions.addItem(...) and voila he does the job for us, also for the <Task /> where we have to handle a delete action, made simple just calling the props.actions.removeItem()

behind the state actions abstraction:

when we make a successful call to the actions somewhere this data have to be manipulated, first take a look how our state looks like:

StackState {
  [x: string]: {
    name: string;
    colorClass: string;
    icon: 'inbox' | 'notStarted' | 'inProgress' | 'done';
    tasks: TaskState[];

that's all we have, so now let's imagine that we want to add a a new task, all we want from the task component is the stackId and all the data of our task, the actions do their job calling the dispatch and passing all the data, inside our tasksReducer we just look for the stackId on state then update with our new task and return the updated state.

to delete some task is something like adding but we also look for the taskId and then remove it from the state.

We also have to mutate the state when user drag and drop the task for this our <DrangDropContext /> provides the onDragEnd((result) => {}) inside the result we have everything we need, from our result we get the { source, destination } = result you might have noticed that there is the source and destination <Stack /> you're right, with that in hands we do a if statement verifying if there is a destination if not we just return the current state.

but if the source is equal to the destination that means our user is trying to change the task position inside the current stack to do that we do something like that:

  const  copiedTasks = [...sourceStack.tasks]
  const [removed] = copiedTasks.splice(source.index, 1)
  copiedTasks.splice(destination.index, 0, removed)

we copy the tasks from the stack state, the source.index is the current position of the task on its own stack, with the "removed" task we replace it on the array passing it destination.index and then return the updated state.

When a task is moved to a different stack is something like we did above but we also need to find the source and destination from the stack and then we just replace the dragged task to the destination inside its stack

persisting the data:

user don't want to lose their added tasks when he close the page or update it, so was created a service that is called StacksStorage it has two functions

getStacks: () => {
  if (!localStorage.getItem(key)) {
    localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(stacksMock))
  try {
    const  stacks: StackState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)       || '{}')
    return  stacks
  } catch {
    return {}

updateStacks: (updatedStacks: StackState) => {
  return  localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(updatedStacks))

The localStorage is mutated on every dispatch case and all the data is persisted

Built With

How to setup locally

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Change to cloned directory
    cd taskei
  3. Install YARN or NPM packages
    yarn install
  4. Run the project
    yarn start


A kanban board made with react-beautiful-dnd & sass







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