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Gradle Changelog Plugin

A Gradle plugin which writes a markdown formatted changelog file based on conventional changelog syntax git commits.

Conventional Changelog

Conventional Changelog is a commit convention defined and used by AngularJS. It aims at producing more usefull changelogs trimming unimportant commits out of the changelog. For this purpose a set of simple and easy to use conventions are used. The full commit convention can be read here

Basic Usage

Apply the changelog plugin to your plugins block

plugins {
    id 'io.github.jobernas.gradle-conventional-changelog' version "0.3.3"
  1. Commit one or more commits using the conventional changelog convention
  2. Update your project's version number.
  3. Run the ./gradlew changelog task.
  4. Review and correct your changelog file (usually CHANGELOG.MD)
  5. Commit your modified changelog file with a 'chore' commit message. For example:
    • git add . && git commit -m "chore(changelog): Update changelog"
  6. Tag your build with the correct version (from step 2):
    • git tag -a "v0.3.1.RC1 -F CHANGELOG.MD ( -F copies tag message from specified file)
  7. Push your changed branch and the tag
    • git push && git push origin --tags


Configuration of the changelog task is optional, if none is provided the defaults settings will be used. Default values are detailed below.

changelog {
    //the name of the file where to write the changelog.
    file '' //Defaults to ""
    //the name of the app/project for which you are generating a changelog.
    appName 'gradle-changelog-plugin' //Defaults to an empty string.
    //version number for this changelog
    versionNum '0.1.3'//Guesses next version using commits content and defaults to an empty string.
    //version name
    versionText 'Electric Lama' //Defaults to an empty string.
    //URL of the repository where the commits can be found. Plugin will append /commits at the end.    
    repoUrl '' //Defaults to an empty string.
    //URL of the bug tracker where closed issues can be found. Plugin will append /issues at the end.
    trackerUrl '' //Defaults to an empty string.
    //lower limit to filter the git log command ( tag or commit hash)
    from '0.0.1' //Defaults to previous git tag found or first commit if none found.
    //upper limit filter the git log command.
    to 'HEAD' //Defaults to HEAD.
    //regex used to filter the conventional changelog commits for this changelog
    match '^fix|^feat|^fix|^perf|^refactor|BREAKING' //Defaults to the value in the example.


Conventional changelog plugin for gradle







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