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Add example of dynamical friction and the LMC
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jobovy committed Jul 24, 2018
1 parent 3e84f68 commit ad7dfd2
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137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions doc/source/orbit.rst
Expand Up @@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ natural coordinates, you can turn this behavior off by doing

All outputs will then be specified in galpy's natural coordinates.

.. _orbfromname:

Initialization from an object's name

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -735,3 +737,138 @@ the estimations in one batch using the ``actionAngle`` interface, which takes co
>>> par = aAS.EccZmaxRperiRap(Rphiz[:,0], vRvTvz[:,0], vRvTvz[:,1], Rphiz[:,2], vRvTvz[:,2], Rphiz[:,1], delta=deltas)

The above code calculates the parameters in roughly 100ms on a single core.

**NEW in v1.4** Example: The orbit of the Large Magellanic Cloud in the presence of dynamical friction

As a further example of what you can do with galpy, we investigate the
Large Magellanic Cloud's (LMC) past and future orbit. Because the LMC
is a massive satellite of the Milky Way, its orbit is affected by
dynamical friction, a frictional force of gravitational origin that
occurs when a massive object travels through a sea of low-mass objects
(halo stars and dark matter in this case). First we import all the
necessary packages:

>>> from astropy import units
>>> from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014, ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce
>>> from galpy.orbit import Orbit

(also do ``%pylab inline`` if running this in a jupyter notebook or
turn on the ``pylab`` option in ipython for plotting). We can load the
current phase-space coordinates for the LMC using the
``Orbit.from_name`` function described :ref:`above <orbfromname>`:

>>> o= Orbit.from_name('LMC')

We will use ``MWPotential2014`` as our Milky-Way potential
model. Because the LMC is in fact unbound in ``MWPotential2014``, we
increase the halo mass by 50% to make it bound (this corresponds to a
Milky-Way halo mass of :math:`\approx 1.2\,\times 10^{12}\,M_\odot`, a
not unreasonable value). We can hack this together as

>>> MWPotential2014[2]._amp*= 1.5

(Note that this is *not* a generally recommended route for changing
the mass of an object, since it relies on editing a private
attribute). Let us now integrate the orbit backwards in time for 10
Gyr and plot it:

>>> ts= numpy.linspace(0.,-10.,1001)*units.Gyr
>>> o.integrate(ts,MWPotential2014)
>>> o.plot(d1='t',d2='r')

.. image:: images/lmc-mwp14.png
:scale: 50 %

We see that the LMC is indeed bound, with an apocenter just over 250
kpc. Now let's add dynamical friction for the LMC, assuming that its
mass if :math:`5\times 10^{10}\,M_\odot`. We setup the
dynamical-friction object:

>>> cdf= ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce(GMs=5.*10.**10.*units.Msun,rhm=5.*units.kpc,

Dynamical friction depends on the velocity distribution of the halo,
which is assumed to be an isotropic Gaussian distribution with a
radially-dependent velocity dispersion. If the velocity dispersion is
not given (like in the example above), it is computed from the
spherical Jeans equation. We have set the half-mass radius to 5 kpc
for definiteness. We now make a copy of the orbit instance above and
integrate it in the potential that includes dynamical friction:

>>> odf= o()
>>> odf.integrate(ts,[MWPotential2014,cdf])

(Note that specifying the forces as the list ``[MWPotential2014,cdf]``
works even though ``MWPotential2014`` is itself a list of potentials,
because we can use nested lists of potentials or forces wherever a
list is allowed in ``galpy``). Overlaying the orbits, we can see the
difference in the evolution:

>>> o.plot(d1='t',d2='r',label=r'$\mathrm{No\ DF}$')
>>> odf.plot(d1='t',d2='r',overplot=True,label=r'$\mathrm{DF}, M=5\times10^{10}\,M_\odot$')
>>> ylim(0.,400.)
>>> legend()

.. image:: images/lmc-mwp14-plusdynfric-51010msun.png
:scale: 50 %

We see that dynamical friction removes energy from the LMC's orbit,
such that its past apocenter is now around 400 kpc rather than 250
kpc! The period of the orbit is therefore also much longer. Clearly,
dynamical friction has a big impact on the orbit of the LMC.

Recent observations have suggested that the LMC may be even more
massive than what we have assumed so far, with masses over
:math:`10^{11}\,M_\odot` seeming in good agreement with various
observations. Let's see how a mass of :math:`10^{11}\,M_\odot` changes
the past orbit of the LMC. We can change the mass of the LMC used in
the dynamical-friction calculation as

>>> cdf.GMs= 10.**11.*units.Msun

This way of changing the mass is preferred over re-initializing the
``ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce`` object, because it avoids
having to solve the Jeans equation again to obtain the velocity
dispersion. Then we integrate the orbit and overplot it on the
previous results:

>>> odf2= o()
>>> odf2.integrate(ts,[MWPotential2014,cdf])


>>> o.plot(d1='t',d2='r',label=r'$\mathrm{No\ DF}$')
>>> odf.plot(d1='t',d2='r',overplot=True,label=r'$\mathrm{DF}, M=5\times10^{10}\,M_\odot$')
>>> odf2.plot(d1='t',d2='r',overplot=True,label=r'$\mathrm{DF}, M=1\times10^{11}\,M_\odot$')
>>> ylim(0.,740.)
>>> legend()

which gives

.. image:: images/lmc-mwp14-plusdynfric-1011msun.png
:scale: 50 %

Now the apocenter increases to about 600 kpc and the LMC doesn't
perform a full orbit over the last 10 Gyr.

Finally, let's see what will happen in the future if the LMC is as
massive as :math:`10^{11}\,M_\odot`. We simply flip the sign of the
integration times to get the future trajectory:

>>> odf2.integrate(-ts[-ts < 9*units.Gyr],[MWPotential2014,cdf])
>>> odf2.plot(d1='t',d2='r')

.. image:: images/lmc-mwp14-plusdynfric-1011msun-future.png
:scale: 50 %

Because of the large effect of dynamical friction, the LMC will merge
with the Milky-Way in about 4 Gyr after a few more pericenter
passages. Note that we have not taken any mass-loss into
account. Because mass-loss would lead to a smaller dynamical-friction
force, this would somewhat increase the merging timescale, but
dynamical friction will inevitably lead to the merger of the LMC with
the Milky Way.

When using dynamical friction, if the radius gets very small, the integration sometimes becomes very erroneous, which can lead to a big, unphysical kick (even though we turn off friction at very small radii); this is the reason why we have limited the future integration to 9 Gyr in the example above. When using dynamical friction, inspect the full orbit to make sure to catch whether a merger has happened.

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