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Jo Bovy - bovy at ias dot edu

If you find this code useful in your research, please cite arXiv:1111.1724. Thanks!


Standard python build/install


This package requires NumPy, [Scipy] (, [Matplotlib] (, and Pyfits. To use coordinate transformations, galpy is required.


segueSelect is a Python package that implements the model for the SDSS/SEGUE selection function described in Appendix A of arXiv:1111.1724. It automatically determines the selection fraction---the fraction of stars with good spectra---as a continuous function of apparent magnitude for each plate. The selection function can be determined for any desired sample cuts in signal-to-noise ratio, u-g, r-i, and E(B-V).

To get started, download the files at, put them in some directory, define an environment variable SEGUESELECTDIR that points to this directory, and untar the segueplates.tar.gz file (tar xvzf segueplates.tar.gz).

After installing the package (python install) you can use the package as

from segueSelect import segueSelect
selectionFunction= segueSelect(sample='G',sn=15,select='all')

to get the selection function for the SEGUE G-star sample, using a signal-to-noise ratio cut of 15, and selecting all stars in the spectroscopic sample in the G-star color range 0.48 <= g-r <= 0.55 (as opposed to select='program', which just uses the stars that were targeted as G stars).

The selection function is determined on the fly, so sample selection can be adjusted if desired. Relevant options are

ug= if True, cut on u-g, (default: False)
	if list/array cut to ug[0] < u-g< ug[1]
ri= if True, cut on r-i,  (default: False)
	if list/array cut to ri[0] < r-i< ri[1]
sn= if False, don't cut on SN, 
	if number cut on SN > the number (default: 15)
ebv= if True, cut on E(B-V), 
	 if number cut on EBV < the number (default: 0.3)

The type of selection function can be set separately for 'bright' plates and 'faint' plates. The default for both is 'tanhrcut', which is the selection function described in Appendix A of arXiv:1111.1724, but other options include:

type_bright= or type_faint=

    'constant': constant for each plate up to the faint limit for
the bright/faint sample (decent for bright plates, *bad* for
faint plates that never reach as faint as the faint limit)

    'sharprcut': use a sharp cut rather than a hyperbolic tangent
cut-off at the faint end of the apparent magnitude range

The recommended setting is 'tanhrcut' for both bright and faint plates.

For a full list of options, do


Once the selection function is initialized it can be evaluated as

 value= selectionFunction(plate,r=16.)

where value is then the fraction of stars in the photometric sample with a SEGUE spectrum passing the sample cuts for that plate number and that r-band apparent magnitude. 'r=' can be an array, for quicker evaluation.


Please look at the source code (segueSelect/ for an overview of the advanced capabilities of this package. Some useful functions are


which will calculate the KS probability that the spectropscopic sample was drawn from the underlying photometric sample with the model selection function.


plots the selection function of this plate.


plots the cumulative distribution function in r-band apparent magnitude of the spectroscopic sample (red) and the photometric sample+selection-function-model for this plate (these should look similar and are what are used to calculate the KS probability).


which reads the G stars (not just the dwarfs!) and applies the color, SN, and E(B-V) cuts (same format as above). If galpy is installed, velocities will also be transformed into the Galactic coordinate frame (read the source for details).


The code can also determine the selection function for SEGUE K stars. However, the bright/faint boundary seems to move around for K stars as the survey progressed (rather than stay constant at r=17.8 mag), so the default selection function fails to give a reasonable selection function for many plates. The K star selection function is still a work in progress, but determining the bright/faint boundary on a plate-by-plate basis seems to work for most plates. This can be done by using

selectionFunction= segueSelect(sample='K',sn=15,select='program',indiv_brightlims=True)

Again, testing of this selection function has been very limited, so use care when using the K stars. More details from some email:

Iterating with Katie Schlesinger, I think I have mostly figured
out the SEGUE K star selection function. It seems like there are ~40
plates for which the bright/faint boundary is not near 17.8 mag for
the K stars, but near 16 or 17 mag instead. A practical way to deal
with this is to set the bright/faint boundary for each plate pair at
the brightest spectroscopic K star on the faint plate of the pair.
This seems to give an acceptable model for the K star selection
function for the 'program' stars (those stars with the K-star target
bit set); it does not work so well for the sample of all spectroscopic
objects with 0.55 < g-r < 0.75, as there are always some stars much
brighter than the interface. It's unclear whether this is a documented
feature of the target selection (I cannot find any mention of it in
the SEGUE paper).


Selection function for the SDSS/SEGUE survey (G and K star samples)







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