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A plugin for alfred3 for managing experiment appointments.


Install via pip:

$ pip install alfred3_scheduler


There is limited API documentation here. For a usage example and some notes, see below.


The scheduler can be added to an experiment like this:

import alfred3 as al
import alfred3_scheduler as als

exp = al.Experiment()

scheduler = als.Scheduler("demo_scheduler", lang="de")

class SchedulerAdmin(als.SchedulerAdmin):
    scheduler = scheduler

class SchedulerInterface(als.SchedulerInterface):
    scheduler = scheduler
    email = "test@email.address" # for testing purposes, you can put

Now, the experiment has three views:

  1. The normal view, where the usual experiment can be worked on by participants.
  2. The admin view, where administrators can see and manage experiment sessions. Started by appending ?admin=true to the experiment url.
  3. The scheduler view, where potential participants can sign up for experiment sessions. Started by appending ?scheduler=scheduler_name to the experiment url. In the case of the demo code above, scheduler_name would be replaced by demo_scheduler.

The SchedulerInterface expects that you know a participant's email

From the documentation of SchedulerInterface:

email (str): Participant email address. The SchedulerInterface
    expects that you have asked the participant for their
    email address on a previous page. You can provide it on init,
    as a class attribute, or access in :meth:`.on_exp_access`.
    Often, the latter option will be the easiest to use.

It is most sensible to initialize a SchedulerInterface only once you have already obtained the participant's email address.

The scheduler needs email configuration

This means, you need to put the following data into secrets.conf:

address = sender@mail.address
name = Sender Name
password = password
server =
port = 465 

The scheduler requires alfred3's admin interface to be activated

The admin interface is activated by setting the three levels of admin passwords in secrets.conf:

adminpass_lvl1 = level1
adminpass_lvl2 = level2
adminpass_lvl3 = level3


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