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Jochen Wierum edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 17 revisions



This is the website of the OpenVPN Manager project.

OpenVPN Manager is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the OpenVPN Management Interface to control OpenVPN. It's goal is to be powerful but simple. It startet at a little project for personal use only. Feel free to contribute patches or ideas or to test the implementation which is available so far. Report Bugs by using the "Issues" button above.

More Information


Download compiled versions at the github release page, the old download page or access (and fork!) the GitHub project.


  • start and stop OpenVPN connection
  • monitor the OpenVPN log
  • authenticate with passwords or smartcard
  • select smartcards dynamically via dialog
  • controllable via command line

The command line

OpenVPN Manager provides a command line interface which can be used to control the connections. So far, there are two interesting commands:

  • -connect "name" connects to the virtual private network name. The name is identical to the one you see in the main window.
  • -disconnect "name" disconnects from the vpn name.
  • -quit quits OpenVPN Manager
  • -install install the OpenVPN Manager Service (see this howto for more information)
  • -uninstall uninstall the OpenVPN Manager Service

Help needed

Some help is needed. If you

  • can draw Icons
  • have ideas, what features are missing
  • want to translate this software
  • have other ideas

feel free to contact me.

Planned features

  • Support more of OpenVPN's features.
  • It would be great to get this program working with mono.
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