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Create a dashboard

Alex edited this page Aug 18, 2019 · 5 revisions

My first dashboard

Dashboard example


In order to create a dashboard, you need only to write a configuration file. You don't have to write any code in order to display a dashboard.

The configuration file must respect the YAML format and must be called config.yml

Global configuration

In the configuration, you have a block that applies to all your dashboards.

port: 8000
rotationtime: 10
theme: dark

    user: demo
    password: demo
Property name Description Required
port The port where the application will listen HTTP GET requests Required
rotationtime Time between the render of 2 dashboards. In seconds Required
theme The global theme for your dashboards. Can be dark or light Optional, default = dark
externalconfig The place to put some external configuration used to render components. For instance, your jenkins' credentials. Each component will detail the expected configuration Optional until required by a component

Dashboard configuration

A dashboard configuration describes all dashboards.

  - title: 'Mon dashboard'
      - type: iframe
        title: 'Weather nearby'
        width: 2
        height: 1
        column: 0
        row: 0
          url: ''

      - type: iframe
        title: 'Google trends'
        width: 1
        height: 2
        column: 2
        row: 0
          url: "//"

  - title: 'My second dashboard'
      - type: iframe
        title: 'A beautiful graph from grafana'
        width: 1
        height: 1
        column: 0
        row: 0
          url: ''

Each dashboard has the following properties:

Property name Description Required
title The title of your dashboard. This will set the title of the HTML page Optional
components a list describing all components Required

Component configuration

A component configuration describe a component inside a dashboard: it's place, it's size and it's type.

- type: iframe
  title: 'A beautiful graph from grafana'
  view: 'useless for iframe'
  width: 1
  height: 1
  column: 0
  row: 0
    url: '' 

Each component has the following properties:

Property name Description Required
type The component type. This is the name of the plugin which will render the component. A list of available plugins will be listed bellow required
title The title of the component displayed above it Optional
view The view to render. Some plugin may have multiple views. This allow you to describe the excepted rendered view. Optional but required by some plugins
width How many columns does this component will take ? Required. Min = 1
height How many rows does this component will take ? Required. Min = 1
column On which column does that component start ? Required. Min = 0 (the first column)
row On which row does that component start ? Required. Min = 0 (the first row)
data A key-value structures used to create a context for this component. Each plugin will describe what it's expecting Optional but required by some plugins

See components here