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nc prometheus exporter

Nc prometheus exporter is a little webserver, which translates the nextcloud status xml to a prometheus compatible format.


NCE_CONF=nc_prometheus_exporter.conf nc_prometheus_exporter


key description default
NCE_CONF Path to configuration file /etc/ncexporter/nc_prometheus_exporter.conf
NCE_PORT tcp port 8000
RUST_LOG Rust log level warn

Nextcloud endpoint configuration

key description
nc_url Url of a nextcloud instance
nc_user Username of an admin user
nc_password App password of the admin user
nc_replacement_config Path to replacement config (json)

Example configuration

nc_url = 'https://your.domain.tld/ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info'
nc_user = 'example_user'
nc_password = 'example_pw'
nc_replacement_config = 'replacements.json'

Hint: Create and use a device password (Nextcloud documentation)

Replacement configuration

The json replacement configuration defines how to replace values during translations. Some Nextcloud info values are not numeric, and therefore not compatible with prometheus. Values will be ignored if not numeric and no string to numeric replacement pair is defined.

Ignored metrics will be displayed via logging output on log level debug.

Example configuration

    "values" : {
        "ok": 1,
        "yes": 1,
        "OK": 1,
        "none": 0,
        "no": 0

Translation process

After fetching the xml status information from a nextcloud instance, each entry is processed by the exporter. The xml node names will be combined into a prometheus time series name.

Numeric values will be used as prometheus metric. Non numeric values will be replaced with a numeric value if configured, or otherwise dropped.

Additional to nextcloud metrics a few metrics regarding the export will be added.

Additional exporter metrics

name description
rust_nce_parse_duration Time spent parsing the status xml
rust_nce_load_duration Duration of loading the status xml from the configured nextcloud instance
rust_nce_total_duration Combined duration of load, parsing and translation
rust_nce_request_start_count Count of exporter requests
rust_nce_request_end_count Count of answered exporter requests
nc_metric_names_hash Fisrst digits of a md5 hash based on a sorted list of metric names. A change indicates fewer, swapped or additional metrics.