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Scripts for host-pathogen project


usage: [-h] --vcf VCF --out OUT --format {plink1,plink2} --type
                    {dna,aa,both} [--maf MAF]

Convert vcf to phenotype files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --vcf VCF             VCF file (default: None)
  --out OUT             Prefix for the output files (default: None)
  --format {plink1,plink2}
                        VCF file (default: None)
  --type {dna,aa,both}  The type of output file generated (default: None)
  --maf MAF             Minor allele frequency cutoff (default: None)

usage: [-h] --vcf VCF --ref REF [--threads THREADS]

Convert vcf to fasta

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --vcf VCF          VCF file (default: None)
  --ref REF          Reference fasta file (default: None)
  --threads THREADS  Number of threads for parallel operations (default: 4)

Detecting homoplasy

The inputs are a VCF file, the reference fasta and a rooted newick formatted tree.

python  --vcf test_data.vcf.gz --ref MTB.fa --tree rooted.nwk  --out output

The script labels the internal nodes using a preorder traversal approach. If you would like to use the naming scheme from another tree you can use the --map-to-tree argument and supply another newick formatted tree with internal node labels.

Three files will be produced, but we will only use the output.num_changes.txt file in the next step which will use select_homoplasy.R either interactively or through using Rscript. Three parameters are set to classify mutations are homoplastic: 1) the minimum size for the biggest clade which aquired the mutation, 2) the minimum numer of other acquisitions on the tree and 3) the minimum number of samples in other (non-main) clades. When all these parameters pass a SNP will be called homoplastic.