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02 Ansible

File metadata and controls

56 lines (51 loc) · 1.96 KB

Ansible Install

CentOS 8 Setup

To install Ansible, we need a CentOS 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 vm.


Log into the vm with ssh as root and install Ansible:

dnf -y install epel-release
dnf -y install git wget curl ansible vim-enhanced nano colordiff


We need some new directories too

test -d /etc/ansible/projects || mkdir /etc/ansible/projects ; chmod 700 /etc/ansible/projects
test -d /etc/ansible/collections || mkdir /etc/ansible/collections ; chmod 755 /etc/ansible/collections

Now we do some basic configuration to suite our needs

test -f ${ansibleconfigfile}.orig || cp -av $ansibleconfigfile ${ansibleconfigfile}.orig
sed -i 's|^#inventory .*|inventory      = /etc/ansible/hosts|g' $ansibleconfigfile
sed -i 's|^#roles_path .*|roles_path    = /etc/ansible/roles|g' $ansibleconfigfile
sed -i 's|^#remote_user .*|remote_user = root|g' $ansibleconfigfile
sed -i 's|^#log_path .*|log_path = /var/log/ansible.log|g' $ansibleconfigfile
sed -i 's|^#nocows .*|nocows = 1|g' $ansibleconfigfile
sed -i "/^roles_path/a\ \n#additional paths to search for collections in, colon separated\ncollections_paths = /etc/ansible/collections" $ansibleconfigfile


Now we look for the changes we made above:

  • To the directories
ls -ld /etc/ansible/collections /etc/ansible/projects

Output of ls:

  drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Mar 19 11:59 /etc/ansible/collections
  drwx------. 2 root root 6 Mar 19 11:59 /etc/ansible/projects
  • To the config file
colordiff -yW"`tput cols`" $ansibleconfigfile ${ansibleconfigfile}.orig | less -r


Because we use vim for our exercises, we need to teach vim about the behavior we need to edit our yaml files:

echo 'autocmd Filetype yml setlocal sw=2 et' >$HOME/.vimrc
echo 'set ai' >>$HOME/.vimrc