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203 lines (184 loc) · 4.59 KB

20 Protect variables with

File metadata and controls

203 lines (184 loc) · 4.59 KB

Protect variables with vaults

You can imagine that some of the variables may need some protection. There is a built-in mechanic to protect variable called ansible-vault You can use it in two ways by default


With ansible-vault we can create symetric encrypted files ansible can work with. But let's do the learning with an example

Setup Vault Project

mkdir -p $PDIR
chmod 700 $PDIR
cd $PDIR


  • $PDIR/inventory
# ansible demo inventory for $PNAME

The ugly way

Ansible Config


# custom ansible $PNAME configuration
inventory      = ./inventory
roles_path    = ./roles
collections_paths = ./collections
remote_user = root
log_path = ./ansible.log
vault_password_file = ./vault_unlock

Write down the vault handler password

echo hideThis > $PDIR/vault_unlock

Create the password vault

mkdir $PDIR/group_vars
ansible-vault create $PDIR/group_vars/vault_demo.yml
password: superSecretStuff...

Explore how it works

cat vault_unlock
cat group_vars/vault_demo.yml
ansible-inventory --vars --list

Do you understand why I call it the ugly way? Explain it to me!

The uncomfortable way

Ansible Config


# custom ansible $PNAME configuration
inventory      = ./inventory
roles_path    = ./roles
collections_paths = ./collections
remote_user = root
log_path = ./ansible.log
# vault_password_file = ./vault_unlock

Try it out

ansible-inventory --vars --list
	ERROR! Attempting to decrypt but no vault secrets found

Okay, that's not what we expected. Maybe we did something wrong

ansible-inventory --help
ansible-inventory --vars --list --ask-vault-pass

Can you imagine why I don't like this way either?

Final Solutions

If you read the documentation carefully, you will find out that inventory and group_vars may be executeables as well. Hmm, maybe this is the way it can get nicer!?

Ansible Config


# custom ansible $PNAME configuration
inventory      = ./inventory
roles_path    = ./roles
collections_paths = ./collections
remote_user = root
log_path = ./ansible.log
vault_password_file = ./vault_unlock

Solution1 (keyctl)

This program is used to control the key management facility in various ways using a variety of subcommands.

Replace the vault password with a script

PW_CNT=$(keyctl search @u user $NAME 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
if [ $PW_CNT -lt 1 ]
   read -s -p "Feed vault password: " PASS
   keyctl add user $NAME  "$PASS" @u >/dev/null 2>&1
   keyctl print $(keyctl search @u user $NAME 2>/dev/null)

Make it executeable

chmod 700 $PDIR/vault_unlock

Now call it and feed the password


Explore how it works

  • Call it again, what happens?
  • LogOut, LogIn again, call it, what happens?
  • Where is it stored?

Solution2 (systemd-ask-password)

If you are root, you can access a system service that can store your passwords temporarily until next reboot. This is used too for harddisk decryption during boot-up.
Problem is here, that newer FIPS enabled systems remove this password 5min after creation.

Replace the vault password with a script

# with keyname as absolute script path we can use it in several projects
systemd-ask-password --keyname=$(realpath $0) --accept-cached

Make it executeable

chmod 700 $PDIR/vault_unlock

Now call it and feed the password


Explore how it works

  • Call it again, what happens?
  • LogOut, LogIn again, call it, what happens?
  • As root user, the password can be kept until reboot!

Solution3 (simple var)

This works for the session until you logout. But it is super simple and works with all users, not only root on any system.

Replace the vault password with a script

if [ "x" == "x$VAULT_PASS" ]
   echo "Variable VAULT_PASS is not set, please feed it with:"
   echo "read -s -p 'Feed vault password: ' VAULT_PASS ; export VAULT_PASS=\$VAULT_PASS"

Make it executeable

chmod 700 $PDIR/vault_unlock

Now call it and feed the password


Explore how it works

  • Call it again, what happens?
  • LogOut, LogIn again, call it, what happens?
  • Where is it stored?