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This is to check pricing of items online, in an automated fashion on AWS serverless services.



Data schema

    'item':{'S':'Dell S3423CDW Monitor'},



  • Get all items /get_items Implemented
    • Grab all items from DynamoDB and return the list of dict
  • Get 1 item /get_item/{item} Implemented
    • Uses Boto3 to pull only the item
  • Add item /add_item Implemented
    • Supplied with the info from the schema, adds an item to the DynamoDB database
  • Update item /update_item Implemented
    • Supplied with the item or some filter, update an item
  • Delete item /delete_item/{item} Implemented
    • Supplied with the item or some filter, delete an item

Web scraping/prices

  • Get 1 price /check_price/{item} Implemented
    • Supplied with url, current_value, selector. Gets the url, parses it with beautifulsoup and returns the current price
  • check_all_prices /check_prices/ Implemented
    • Use 'Get all items' and using a loop invokes the 'Get 1 price' function for each item


  • Lambda_handler
    • Lambda_handler function to be invoked by lambda. Will decide on which function to use based on the route_key. Still need to decide on names for each.
  • Create response back to the user
    • Mainly used to standardise the responnses back through API Gateway. Adding requisite headers and status codes etc.


  • Create SNS Topic
    • Will need this for when a new item is added, so will have to call it from the add_item function. Now that I'm at this point, it's definitely going to differentiate the add_item from replace_item, as replace_item won't require the SNS modifications. I read that SNS has a limit of 100,000 SNS topics per account, so I should monitor how many are in the account after each one's created, and if it's 50,000 or more, I should look at coding up SES or an alternative, if I can do it cheaper than SES
  • Delete SNS Topic
    • When deleting an item, the associated topic will need to be deleted.
  • Send SNS Message
    • Will need to send an SNS message to the topic when an item shows a lower price than the last detected current_price.
  • Will have to work out an unsubscribe function, or atleast see if SNS communications have an unsubscribe link in if it's via email.


This is where the tying things together will occur. E.g. Create an item, and a requisite SNS topic. Wrap around the database functions to connect to the DB first before any DB calls are made & then reusing that connection. Will have to figure this out as I flesh out the rest.


I was suggested to have a seperate Eventbridge function, it'll be using the existing functions, but just setup for Eventbridge to call it incase there's any unique logic required there.


Get 'er done?!?! Ignore people requesting a frontend, or see how amenable ChatGPT is to spitting it out.


Serverless price checker






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