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This charm provides a simple way for charms to add log rotation or for an admin to rotate files not otherwise managed.


There are several settings that configure defaults:

  • when When the logs should be rotated (daily, weekly, etc.)
  • period How many logs we should keep before they get deleted
  • perms Logfile permissions (as chmod)
  • owner Logfile owner
  • group Logfile group
  • dateext Use dateext? (true or false)
  • compress Compress the logs or not (compress or nocompress)
  • compresscmd What command to compress with (gzip, bzip2 or xz)
  • compressext What file extension to use for compressed files (determined automatically if not set)

Admin-Controlled Usage

If you want to rotate un-managed files, this is what you want. You will still need to add a relation to one of your existing services (it will use the juju-info interface), as this is a subordinate charm, but logrotate will not interact with that service (just files that happen to share the same unit).

There is a per-logfile config setting:

logfiles Provides local logfile settings or overrides package or charmed log rotation.

As there could be many variations, the logfiles setting is a JSON-format string, set out as follows:

{"first_logfile_name":{"path":"/path/to/logs/*.log", "option":"value", ...}}

Where option can be any of the above settings plus two additional ones: prerotate and postrotate which supply pre- and post-rotation commands.

Per-logfile options will override the default settings.

To manage more than one file, just extend the logfiles string:

{"logfile1": {<local settings>}, "logfile2", {<local settings>}}

Charm-Controlled Usage

It is also possible for a charm to manage its own log rotation using the logrotate subordinate charm. A "logrotate" interface is provided for this.

Used like this, you can still have manually-managed log rotation - these will be added to whatever the related charm configures.

Passing the above "logfiles" JSON string in the charm's relation data from a logrotate-relation-changed hook should be all that's needed.

For example:

from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import relation_set, relation_id, relation_ids

def update_logrotate():
    relation_data = {}
    relation_data["logfiles"] = '{"apache2":{"path":"/var/log/apache2/*.log","when":"daily","period":"7"}}'
    if relation_id():
        relation_set(None, relation_data)
        for r in relation_ids("logrotate"):
            relation_set(r, relation_data)


Charm-controlled log-rotation through the logrotate interface can be overridden by a matching entry in the logfiles config option. For example, if a charm sets weekly rotation on "mylogfiles" using the logrotate relation interface:

relation_data["logfiles"] = '{"mylogfiles":{"path":"/var/log/mycharm/*.log","when":"weekly"}}'

But the admin wants them rotated daily, they just need to:

juju set logrotate logfiles='{"mylogfiles":{"path":"/var/log/mycharm/*.log","when":"daily"}}'


juju add-unit apache2
juju add-unit logrotate
juju set logrotate logfiles='{"apache2":{"path":"/var/log/apache2/*.log","when":"daily","period":"28"}}'
juju add-relation apache2 logrotate


Configures log rotation for services on a unit






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