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CommCare HQ docker

Initial setup

  • Linux

    • Install Docker
    • Install Docker Compose (Note you can also install in a virtualenv with $ pip install docker-compose)
  • OS X

    • Install Docker Toolbox. Go through the full tutorial, which will create a default machine.
    • To create a new VM manually, run docker-machine create default --driver=virtualbox (not necessary if you followed the Docker Toolbox tutorial).
    • If not using the Quick Start terminal, run eval $(docker-machine env default) to set up Docker's environment variables.
  • If you have any HQ services currently running (couch, postgres, redis, etc.), you should stop them now.

  • Bootstrap the setup:

      $ ./scripts/docker runserver --bootstrap

    This will do the following:

    • build all the images (if not already built)
    • run all the service containers
    • migrate the DB and sync the Couch views
    • bootstrap a superuser and domain:
    • run the Django dev server

    If all goes according to plan you should be able to log into CommCare: http://localhost:8000 using the login details above.

    You can create another user and domain with $ ./ bootstrap DOMAIN EMAIL PASSWORD

    On Mac, run docker-machine ip to get the VM's IP address, which replaces localhost in the URL.

Configure your localsettings

There are two different localsettings configurations, depending on whether HQ is running inside a docker container or on your local machine.

  • Running HQ inside a docker container

    Do nothing; docker/ will be used inside the container.

  • Running docker services only

    • Copy the appropriate postgres/couch/elasticsearch/redis configurations from docker/ to
    • Replace the HOST values in the configurations (e.g. postgres) with localhost

General usage

  $ ./scripts/docker --help

The services (couch, postgres, elastic, redis, zookeeper, kafka)

  $ ./scripts/docker up -d  # start docker services in background
  $ ./scripts/docker stop
  $ ./scripts/docker logs postgres

The following services are included. Their ports are mapped to the local host so you can connect to them directly.

  • Elasticsearch (9200 & 9300)
  • PostgreSQL (5432)
  • CouchDB (5984)
  • Redis (6397)
  • Zookeeper (2181)
  • Kafka (9092)
  • Riak CS (9980)

Run the django server

  $ ./scripts/docker runserver


copying old data If you don't want to start fresh, Farid wrote up some notes on copying data from an old dev environment here.


  • CloudCare is not currently part of this set up. It should probably be another docker image, different from CommCareHQ.
  • Celery, rabbitmq and other components not strictly necessary for a laptop install are not part of this setup.


Travis also uses Docker to run the HQ test suite. To simulate the travis build you can use the ./scripts/docker script:

  $ JS_SETUP=yes ./scripts/docker test
  runs python tests

  $ TEST=javascript ./scripts/docker test
  runs the javascript tests

  $ TEST=python-sharded ./scripts/docker test
  runs the python sharded tests
  $ ./scripts/docker test corehq/apps/app_manager/tests/
  runs only the corehq.apps.app_manager.tests.test_suite.SuiteTest
  $ ./scripts/docker bash
  drops you into a bash shell in the docker web container from where you can
  run any other commands
  $ ./scripts/docker hqtest teardown
  remove all test containers and volumes

ENV Vars

* JS_SETUP=yes
  * Run `npm` and `bower` installs
* TEST=[javascript|python|python-sharded]
  * javascript: extra setup and config for JS tests. Also only run JS tests
  * python: default tests
  * python-sharded: configure django for sharded setup and only run subset of tests
  * used to only run a subset of tests
  * see .travis.yml for exact options
  * Same as normal REUSE_DB
See .travis.yml for env variable options used on travis.