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Notes and Sample Code for Hackbright Mini-Lecture on BSTs

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Binary Search Trees

Author: Joel Burton <>


A structure made up of nodes, where a node has 0 or 1 parent (the node with no parents is a "root"). Each node can have 0 or more children. Nodes without children are called "leaf nodes". There may or may not be a special reason for the arrangement of the nodes. Trees that aren't limited to a certain number of children-per-node are sometimes called "general trees" or "n-ary trees" (instead of "bi-nary, they're some-value-of-n-ary).
Binary Tree
A tree where each node has 0, 1, or 2 children. Typically labeled "left" and "right". Note that for a binary trees, there's no specific rule about how the parents/children are ordered.
Binary Search Tree
A common specialization of a binary tree where there is a rule about parents and children. Typically, this rule is "all values less than mine are left of me, and all values greater than mine are right of me".

Runtimes of BSTs

Be careful about just saying the "runtime of a binary search tree is O(log n)"! Always ask "the runtime of what action?""

  • For example, finding the immediate children of the root is O(1) --- since we're only looking 1 level down, it doesn't matter how deep the tree is
  • Another example: printing all of the nodes in the tree is O(n) --- you have to look at each node to print it!

Searching: For searching a BST, the you can talk about this in two possible ways: in terms of the height of the tree, or in terms of the number of nodes.

Consider this BST:

   3       7
 1   4   6   9

The runtime to search this BST for a value is O(h), where h is the height of the tree. This is true for all binary trees: the runtime to search it always linear to the height.

We could also express the runtime in terms of the number of nodes. For that same tree, given that it's balanced, the runtime to search it is O(log n), where n is the number of nodes.

However, we could have another valid BST with those same values, like this:


The runtime to search this is still O(h) [linear to the height]. It's not O(log n), though, since this tree isn't balanced --- it's O(n) to search.

A perfectly-balanced BST will have a height that can be found with:

import math
math.ceil(math.log(n + 1, 2))

(that is, the smallest integer that is equal to or greater than the logarithm-2 of the number of nodes plus 1).

So, for example, to store 6 nodes, you could do this in a tree that is 3 high. (You could store up to 7 nodes in a 3-height BST; to store more, you'd need another rank).

(However, just because a BST uses the fewest number of ranks doesn't always mean its balanced --- to be balanced, there's a stricter requirement: for every node, the height of its left-subtree can vary from the height of its right-subtree by, at most, 1).

Self-Balancing BSTs

There are some intermediate-difficult algorithms to keep a BST balanced, even as new items are added/deleted. Two popular tree styles for this are:

  • AVL Trees (named after the inventors)
  • Red/Black Tree (named because you mark nodes as "red" or "black" given properties about them)

The algorithms to make these are in most algorithm textbooks. It's not the kind of thing most developers have memorized (I don't!). However, you can learn a few things about them:

  • both of these self-balancing BSTs require that you keep track of some special information about each node (the "balance factor" for AVL, the "red/black" for red/black).
  • both can add and delete new elements in O(log n) runtime, assuming tree is already balanced.
  • both don't guarantee that the tree is perfectly balanced (if you made a BST from scratch, you can often be more efficient than an AVL or R/B). However, the amount that they are inefficient is a constant multiplier of the perfect height (for AVL, they're, at most, ~1.4444 x perfect height). Since that maximum difference is a constant, and not related to n, we can get rid of it in runtime analysis, and still say that searching/adding/deleting is O(log n).

What Are BSTs Good For?

We want to keep track of data about employees: their name and SSN, so we can look people up by SSN:

Jane        111-22-1234
Jessica     222-22-1234
Jada        333-22-1234
Juanita     444-22-1234

We could keep this in a dictionary, like this:

{"111-22-1234": "Jane", "222-22-1234": "Jessica"}

If we did this, then we could easily find a single person by SSN:

emps["111-22-1234"]     # Jane!

We could find that someone was missing easily, too:

emps["999-11-9999"]     # KeyError, so no matching emp!

Both of these are easy O(1) operations in a dictionary.

However, there are things dictionaries aren't good for:

  • finding employee with smallest (or largest) SSN
  • finding employees with SSNs less-than or greater-than a value ("find everyone with an SSN less than 222" or "starting with 4")
  • finding employees by SSN ranges ("find everyone whose SSN is between 300-* and 800-*")

With a dictionary, all of these would be O(n) operations, since we'd have to look at every single item.

For a BST, simple lookup to match an SSN is O(log n) --- worse than a dictionary. However, we could find things like the smallest or largest SSN is O(log n) --- a big improvement over O(n)!

Duplicate Nodes

Most BSTs are defined to have no duplicate nodes.

If you do allow duplicate nodes in a BST, you need to decide whether equal nodes go the left or right (it needs to be one, since you always need to unambiguously know which direction to head!)

Note that a BST that allows duplicate nodes cannot be guaranteed to be balanceable. For example, here's a BST that puts dupes on the right:


That BST has 7 nodes, so, in theory, it could be made in only 3 balanced ranks (log2(7 + 1) = 3). However, since dupes must go on one side, there's no way to make this (pathologically evil) BST any more balanced than it is.

Iteration Versus Recursion

Fact: any algorithm that you can solve with a loop can be solved with recursion.

Fact: any algorithm that you can solve with recursion can be solved iteratively.

Strongly Held Opinion: some problems just seem more sensible with one style or another.

When you have an algorithm that needs to make a single choice at each step, it's often easier to write it as a loop. For example, searching a BST feels linear: at each point, you know whether you have to go left or right; you don't need to keep track of the "path not chosen". This is usually easier to visualize as a loop:

while not fallen off bottom of tree:
    are you the node i want? if so, win!
    if less, head left
    if more, head right

When you have an algorithm that needs to explore more than one path (like printing every node in a BST), it's often easier to think about this recursively. You could do it in a loop, by keeping a "to_visit" queue/stack of all the nodes you need to visit, and peel off one each time, adding more nodes-to-do as you go (see examples in our "Trees" lecture for looking for Hermoine).

However, these kinds of problems are often easier to think about recursively:

while on a node:
    print data

This kind of recursion is often called "multiple recursion" --- inside the recursive function, you're firing off more than one call to the function in question.

Code Challenges


These problems are linear --- they don't require a recursive version.
Make a class for a binary tree.
Does a BST contain a node with given value?
What is the largest value in a BST?
For a BST, what is the rank (level) of the node with the given value?


These problems are a bit harder --- they require walking the tree, either recursively or using a stack to keep track of the traversal:
How many nodes are in a binary tree?
What is the height of a binary tree?
Is a given tree "full" (every node has either zero or two children)
Traverse a BST, printing every node in ascending order


These problems are a bit harder still --- they require a recursive or stack-maintaining version, plus they require some thought about how to solve the problem at hand, separate from the traversal.
Create a balanced binary tree, given a list of input
Is a given tree "perfect" (perfect triangle; full and also every leaf is at same level)
Is a BST valid (does it follow the left-less, right-greater rule?)
Is a BST balanced?

Misc Stuff

An excellent followup to this is the chapter on Trees at

  • BSTs aren't the only kind of binary trees. They are the most common, but there are other kinds. In particular, there's another kind of binary tree, a "binary heap", which is very efficient (O(1)) for finding the smallest/largest item in a collection, and can add/delete items in O(log n) time. These have a special arrangement of the nodes in the tree, like a BST, but it's not the "less-on-left, greater-on-right" that a BST uses.
  • You may hear someone refer to a "BTree". This isn't just a binary tree; it's a very specific kind of BST that can be self-balancing and doesn't need to be read into memory all at once (you can work on them directly off a disk). These are often used for database indexes.


Notes and Sample Code for Hackbright Mini-Lecture on BSTs






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