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Setup instructions

This is a Laravel 7 installation and I used MAMP with PHP 7.4

Clone the repository

git clone

Create env files

The project needs a .env and .env.testing file. I have added a .env.example and .env.testing.example files. Please change the database settings to match your local setup

Run composer

composer install

Run migrations

Create two databases on your mysql setup. Laravel uses a separate database to run the test. ex. demo and demo_test Make changes in you .env file and .env.testing file to change the db name, username and password

php artisan migrate

Run the seeder

This will add some data to the products, product_translations, categories and languages table s

php artisan db:seed

Run the integration test

php artisan test --env=testing --testdox

Testing Client

I used Postman to test the API. The API expects the language code to be sent using HTTP headers X-localization en-gb or fr-ch.

  • X-localization: en-gb or fr-ch

By default the language will be en-gb if you don't specify any headers

Please also set the following headers when making any request using Postman

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


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