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[ICLR 2022] Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models

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Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models

This is the official github repository for Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models, accepted at ICLR 2022.

Use the following to cite our paper:

  title={Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models},
  author={Jang, Joel and Ye, Seonghyeon and Yang, Sohee and Shin, Joongbo and Han, Janghoon and Kim, Gyeonghun and Choi, Stanley Jungkyu and Seo, Minjoon},

In order to reproduce our results, take the following steps:

1. Create conda environment and install requirements

conda create -n ckl python=3.8 && conda activate ckl
pip install -r requirements.txt

Also, make sure to install the correct version of pytorch corresponding to the CUDA version and environment: Refer to

#For CUDA 10.x
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
#For CUDA 11.x
pip3 install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f

2. Download the data used for the experiments.

To download only the CKL benchmark dataset:


To download ALL of the data used for the experiments (required to reproduce results):


To download the (continually pretrained) model checkpoints of the main experiment (required to reproduce results):


For the other experimental settings such as multiple CKL phases, GPT-2, we do not separately provide the continually pretrained model checkpoints.

3. Reproducing Experimental Results

We provide all the configs in order to reproduce the zero-shot results of our paper. We only provide the model checkpoints for the main experimental setting (full_setting) which can be downloaded with the command above.

├── full_setting
│   ├── evaluation
│   |   ├── invariantLAMA
│   |   |   ├── t5_baseline.json
│   |   |   ├── t5_kadapters.json
│   |   |   ├── ...
│   |   ├── newLAMA
│   |   ├── newLAMA_easy
│   |   ├── updatedLAMA
│   ├── training
│   |   ├── t5_baseline.json
│   |   ├── t5_kadapters.json
│   |   ├── ...
├── GPT2
│   ├── ...
├── kilt
│   ├── ...
├── small_setting
│   ├── ...
├── split
│   ├── ...                    

Components in each configurations file

  • input_length (int) : the input sequence length
  • output_length (int) : the output sequence length
  • num_train_epochs (int) : number of training epochs
  • output_dir (string) : the directory to save the model checkpoints
  • dataset (string) : the dataset to perform zero-shot evaluation or continual pretraining
  • dataset_version (string) : the version of the dataset ['full', 'small', 'debug']
  • train_batch_size (int) : batch size used for training
  • learning rate (float) : learning rate used for training
  • model (string) : model name in huggingface models (
  • method (string) : method being used ['baseline', 'kadapter', 'lora', 'mixreview', 'modular_small', 'recadam']
  • freeze_level (int) : how much of the model to freeze during traininig (0 for none, 1 for freezing only encoder, 2 for freezing all of the parameters)
  • gradient_accumulation_steps (int) : gradient accumulation used to match the global training batch of each method
  • ngpu (int) : number of gpus used for the run
  • num_workers (int) : number of workers for the Dataloader
  • resume_from_checkpoint (string) : null by default. directory to model checkpoint if resuming from checkpoint
  • accelerator (string) : 'ddp' by default. the pytorch lightning accelerator to be used.
  • use_deepspeed (bool) : false by default. Currently not extensively tested.
  • CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES (string) : gpu devices that are made available for this run (e.g. "0,1,2,3", "0")
  • wandb_log (bool) : whether to log experiment through wandb
  • wandb_project (string) : project name of wandb
  • wandb_run_name (string) : the name of this training run
  • mode (string) : 'pretrain' for all configs
  • use_lr_scheduling (bool) : true if using learning rate scheduling
  • check_validation (bool) : true for evaluation (no training)
  • checkpoint_path (string) : path to the model checkpoint that is used for evaluation
  • output_log (string) : directory to log evaluation results to
  • split_num (int) : default is 1. more than 1 if there are multile CKL phases
  • split (int) : which CKL phase it is

This is an example of getting the invariantLAMA zero-shot evaluation of continually pretrained t5_kadapters

python --config configs/full_setting/evaluation/invariantLAMA/t5_kadapters.json

This is an example of performing continual pretraining on CC-RecentNews (main experiment) with t5_kadapters

python --config configs/full_setting/training/t5_kadapters.json


  title={Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models},
  author={Jang, Joel and Ye, Seonghyeon and Yang, Sohee and Shin, Joongbo and Han, Janghoon and Kim, Gyeonghun and Choi, Stanley Jungkyu and Seo, Minjoon},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.03215},